CoronaVax safety in the Netherlands
Dr Theo Schetters' survey of public data from the Netherlands and Ontario, Canada

Dr. Robert W Malone, MS

As some of you may recall, Jill and I recently traveled to Belgium to meet with Dr. Mattias Desmet, Theo Schetters and many other key opinion leaders from that region, attended meetings, and recorded podcasts for a European audience.


During this time, I recorded a podcast with Theo and Marlies Dekkers focusing on mRNA coronavirus genetic vaccines. In order to reduce the risk of censorship and deplatforming, this podcast has been uploaded to Substack's servers and can be found here, along with the accompanying article.


For those who are not familiar with Dr. Schetters, he is an exceptional, talented and highly respected vaccinator. Dr. Theo Schetters holds a PhD in Medicine from the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands and was awarded a Royal Society Visiting Research Fellowship to work on malaria immunology at the National Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill, London, UK.


From 1988 to 2014, he worked for Intervet International (Boxmeer, The Netherlands), where he developed a vaccine against coccidiosis in chickens (Nobilis® Cox ATM) and a vaccine against Babesia infection in dogs (Nobivac® Piro). He is the inventor of an improved vaccine formulation against diseases caused by Rhipicephalus ticks. Currently, he is the Director of ProtActivity, a company dedicated to the development of vaccines against ticks and tick-borne protozoan infections.


In 2004, he was awarded the Faculty of Pharmacy of the 1st University of Montpellier, France, and was named Professeur Invité in recognition of his contribution to long-term research in collaboration with the University's Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology (headed by Prof. Andre Gorenflot). Member of the editorial boards of "Veterinary Parasitology, Trials in Vaccinology" (Elseviers Science Publishers) and "Parasitology" (Cambridge University Press).


As promised in his previous subchapter "Data doesn't lie: mRNA-vaccines and correlation to all-cause mortality", Dr. Schetters has now provided a more comprehensive analysis and published the data he briefly presented in our previous podcast.


Below is a copy of the slides from that recent presentation, I leave it to Theo to draw the conclusions.