Has the Red Cross successfully treated 154 malaria patients with chlorine dioxide, or is it all a hoax and a film made for fun? Do you believe your eyes or the propaganda? The choice is yours!
There are around 350-500 million cases a year, with over a million deaths, and in Africa alone there is an annual mortality rate of 25% in the under 5 year old child population.
We know that human life has never been expensive for the pharmaceutical industry. And its interests are clear. Profit above all else.
So a huge effort is instead being made to vaccinate millions against malaria for huge profits. Treating the potentially infected, the sick, at minimal cost is not good business.
The maths is simple: vaccinating a hundred people makes far more profit than curing a few, so curing malaria (or covid) with pennies worth of chlorine dioxide is not business...
How familiar this is in the light of the current covid vaccination craze, or rather in the shadow of it!!
A little addition to the film
The investigation documented in the film happened roughly 10 years ago. This is one of the most attacked documentaries on chlorine dioxide by the pharmaceutical industry. Several articles were published in mainstream portals at the time, specifically aimed at discrediting it. So they spent quite a bit of money on it... Of course, it was constantly being deleted from the major video sharing sites, if someone had uploaded it.
The MMS used in the film is a mixture of sodium chlorite (a precursor to chlorine dioxide) and an acidic activator (e.g. citric acid). This was diluted with a decile or two of water after a short wait.
In the years since, thanks to the research work of Andreas Kalcker, it is now known that any beneficial health effects of MMS were due to the chlorine dioxide released when the two substances were mixed. So today, doctors and health professionals who use it - where authorised, of course - use aqueous solutions of pure chlorine dioxide (CDS) instead of MMS.
This is both pH-neutral, so it can be used intravenously - for example, it has saved many very serious covid patients in Bolivia - and it has no milder side effects than MMS, which could rarely cause nausea and possibly diarrhoea.
Why chlorine dioxide works / more accurately could have worked as a treatment for Covid-19
Watch now (9 min) | This video is still April 2020! So there were no vaccines anywhere then and much less was known about the whole Sars-Cov-2 thing. Back then we only suspected it was a biological weapon, now of course we know. Note: In 2016, 3 years before the emergence of COVID, ModeRNA patented the protein in spike proteins that is responsible for half of the effective infection of the virus.
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A Hungarian translation of the CDS protocol and a hopeful report for vaccine-injured people.
Watch now (4 min) | Warning Remember! Results are only evaluations of experimental studies in volunteers. They do not constitute any medical advice or prescription. They do not constitute a recommendation for anyone for any specific condition or disease. What is CDS...
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So I recommend you all to watch these 2 films documenting the Uganda study and judge for yourselves who and what you believe afterwards. That is for everyone to decide for themselves.
One comment. The makers of the film, or people who advocate the health benefits of chlorine dioxide in general, have not and do not benefit financially from trying to share information, experience and knowledge about this with the masses of people.
Rather, everyone is just taking a risk...
So they say, if you don't understand something, follow the money. See who has an interest and who benefits from what he is trying to show you...
The treatment shown in the film
After the patients were diagnosed, they were sent for a treatment. Each oral dose (chlorine dioxide, also known as MMS) was individually prepared as follows:
1. a fixed amount of sodium chlorite was instilled into a dry plastic cup.
2. the same number of drops of citric acid (33%) activator was added to the beaker.
3. The solution was allowed to activate for 20 seconds. Then water was added to dilute the mixture - more water for adults, less for children and infants.
4 Finally, everyone was given a bottle of mineral water to help flush out the pathogens.
The number of drops was dependent on age and whether the subjects were malaria positive or negative:
Malaria positive
Adults 18 activated drops
Children 8 activated drops
Infants 2 activated drops
Malaria negative
Adults 8 activated drops
Children 6 activated drops
Infants 2 activated drops
Malaria-positive patients were asked to return the next day for a follow-up blood test to determine the effectiveness of treatment. The laboratory staff documented and signed the test results in the patients' files, confirming that there were no parasites in the blood, meaning that the patients were healthy and free of malaria.
Finally, the Chief Medical Officer provided the overall clinical confirmation at the end of the project.
During the four days of the study, more and more patients came to the clinic. The goal was to treat 200 malaria patients with chlorine dioxide. By the end of the fourth day, 781 people had been tested, of whom 154 tested positive. Twenty-four hours later, a lab technician performed a second blood test on all 154 positive patients.
Of the 154 patients who started out malaria-positive, 143 were malaria-free after 24 hours. The remaining 11 patients who still tested positive were cured after a second dose.
The doctors at the African clinic were not influenced or prejudiced in the process. They did not know whether the treatment could cure anything. When they did the control tests on the malaria patients on the second day, and they were all negative, they were speechless. They could not comprehend it, as they had never experienced anything like it.
Their surprise only increased in the days that followed when they discovered that many patients who had been suffering from other, previously untreated illnesses had also been cured.
We were overwhelmed by the results, as so many voices on the internet had cast doubt on chlorine dioxide. We finally had documented evidence of a study conducted in a clinical setting by malaria experts.
The cover-up
Our joy was short-lived. I received an email from Klaas Proesmans ( the director of WRC, a subsidiary of the Red Cross, featured in the film) forbidding me to talk about the test results, saying that if I did he would deny the facts. I didn't understand at first, but I just had to follow the money trail.
A huge effort is being made to vaccinate everyone against the malaria parasite, i.e. the whole population, which is much more profitable than treating the infected.
They are not interested in curing malaria with a single dose of chlorine dioxide. Perhaps this explains why curing people is against the interests of the industry. The Red Cross receives $4,500 million a year to buy drugs, so it is directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The truth is that they are in this together.
The evidence
The Red Cross blatantly lies when it claims it has never been involved in malaria clinical trials and denies what anyone can see in the video where Klaas Proesmans, the Red Cross WRC Director himself, confirms on camera that 100% of malaria cases were cured in just 24-48 hours.
On 15 May 2013, the International Red Cross published the following press release on its website, which can still be found there in October 2016: