I have been considering writing this post about the 13 bloodlines and families for a long time. Everything and everyone within the system is connected, together they have always been involved in creating the web of lies, the matrix. And why 13? On the top is Pindar, which means dragon. The lucky number of the Satanists and the number of the dragon is 13.
There has been much debate about the interpretation of the 13 layers that make up the Illuminati pyramid:
-Some believe that the 13 bloodlines represent 13 families. This is not true in this sense, since we are talking about 13 "founding" bloodlines, and it is more appropriate to think of 13 tribes. At least according to the matrix hierarchy. Within some tribes there may be clans, and within those clans families or dynasties (descendants of kings). In the case of peoples living on Earth today, where there have been several rulers or successions, the genome of the people contains some "royal blood". Such peoples, who are relatively prosperous today, are still among us, e.g. in some areas of China, Israel, some Arab countries. But the same can be said of people in the West or in some northern European countries.
Because the people who dominate the system believe in blueblood, they also believe that the creation of prosperity is linked to genetic stock.
If you want to get a more accurate picture of the Illuminati rulers, you have to think at least in terms of Babylon - the tribe of Dan, the tribe of the Merovingians, they make up the pyramid, within the tribe there are 13 bloodlines and within that tribe there are usually 13 families. While it doesn't always come out exactly right, if you look at clans or the most noble of the families, it almost always matches.
So let's look at the families:
I. Families of the Pindar II bloodline:
• Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) - Pindar: they are the German families of the Rotschild, not Jewish, but already of the Bauer line
• Bruce
• Cavendish (Kennedy)
• De Medici
• Hanover
• Hapsburg
• Krupp
• Plantagenet
• Rockefeller
• Romanov
• Sinclair (St. Clair)
• Warburg (del Banco)
• Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe)
II. 13 Grey Illuminists (Gray master):they control the Roman Catholic Church, they are the Italian bloodline (but not the Byzantine, Eastern Orthodox!)
- Matteiano
- Flaminio
- Vaticano
- Dogali
- Solare
- Lateranense
- Minerveo
- Macuteo
- Sallustiano
- Quirinale
- Agonalis
- Pinciano
- Esquiline
Illuminati rex III-Rotschild royal bloodline: original Rotschild, Bauer is also from here, but since they are now exclusively oligarchs, I didn't include them among the kings
- Astors
- Bundy
- Collins
- DuPont
- Freeman
- Kennedy
- Li (Chinese, mixed)
- Onassi
- Rockefeller
- Disney
- Russell
- Van Duyn
- Reynolds
IV. Internal link with the Druidic branch: this also has links with other royal lines, notably Byzantine and German. Some of the peoples of the Nordic countries are descendants of these tribes.
- McDonalds
- Vanderbilt
- Fredegund
- Rigunth
- Radegund
- Aregund
- Hermenegild
- Grimoald
- Charibert-dragon
- Theudebert
- Sigeberd
- Dagobert
- Gunther
V. Saturnalia lineage: hence the zodiacs, Illuminati Mesopotamian lineage from the Zoroastrian direction. More specifically, the old Persian Empire.
- Borja
- Breakspeare
- Somaglia
- Orsini - grey pope controlling the white pope and the Jesuit general (black pope)
- Conti
- Chigi
- Colonna
- Farnese
- Medici
- Gaetani -Donald Trump also belongs here
- Pamphili
- Evening
- Aldobrandini
Mesopotamian-Egyptian branch VI: Ptolemaic dynasties: companies built for Jesus' company - total control of the Jesuit house, Pope Black. Persian, Egyptian, Roman and Greek roots, but the Persian and Egyptian line is the strongest. Cleopatra and some of the great Greek conquerors and scholars came from here. I have deliberately omitted the Meroving family because the Meroving tribe, also known as the Dan tribe, is the eponym of the family. The Carolingians were on the one hand their descendants.
Black nobility: presumably a relatively recent branch, their ancestors may have come from ancient Byzantium, Mesopotamia and the Roman Empire. Since they are a mixed lineage, I have not included them in the pyramid, but they are worth knowing about for economic management purposes and for the operation of the opium trade.
- Swedish Bernadotte
- Bourbon French
- Braganza-Portuguese
- Grimaldi-Monaco
Guelph or Golf, from the UK (one of the most prominent). They have built up a large world maritime trade, so they thought they deserved to have a sea current named after them.
- Hapsburg-Austria
- Hanover-German-Guelph is the second most important
- Honhenzollern-German
- Karadjordjevic-Slavic, played a major role in the foundation of Yugoslavia
- Liechtenstein
- Nassau,-Luxenburg
- Oldenburg-Denmark
- Orange-Holland
- Savory-Italian
- Wettin-Belgium
- Wittensbach-German
- Wurttemberg-German-German-Netherlands named after them
- Zogu-Albania
Pindar I occult bloodline VII: They are the real 13. They invented the whole system based on gnosis. I wouldn't put them in the pyramid, I'd put them at the top of the pyramid, to mark the "Light" or associate them with the eye symbol in the pyramid. 12 High Priests plus a leader (contact person): pine (from the word pineapple): a reference to the pineal gland, i.e. all forms of manipulation and deception. Mind control.
VIII Byzantine bloodline-Franks-ideal rulers are listed, but it is quite likely that they also had some contact with Viking culture, so they were somewhat mixed with the Druids. many now have different names in the public consciousness-their descendants play an important role in the orders of knights. They are descendants of kings of Burgundy. Many of them now live in Germany, France and Switzerland. However, many of the names have been adapted to modern culture, so not all of them are found in the same form in everyday life.Some of the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox line (Byzantine origin) belong to this line. They also started the Romanov dynasty in Moscow, but I have already explained in one of the videos that this line has fallen.
- Amandus
- Arnulf or Metz
- Hubertus
- Lambert
- Worms
- Fleur
- Rimes
- Trier
- Alemani
- Lombardi
Arabs: many reformers and kings within the tribes The number 13 refers to the tribes in their case.
Northern Arab tribe IX:
- Ghassan
- Anizzah
- Lakhm
- Taghlib
- Salih
- Kalb
- Bahraa
- Judham
- Tayy
- Bakr ibn Wa'il
- Udhrah
- Abs
- Tamim
X-XI. Central and southern Arab regions-possible mixing with Indian and South Asian peoples
- Juhaynah
- Ghatafan
- Asad
- Numayr
- Abd ul Qays
- Sulaym
- Hanifa
- Hizzan
- Khuzaah
- Kilab
- Bahila
- Dhabbah
- Hadhayl
- Quraysh
- Hawazan
- Kaab
- Thaqif
- Hilal
- Uqayl
- Kinanah
- Azd/Uman
- Mudhal
- Khatham
- Harith
- Hamadan
- Murad
- Maafir
- Yafi
- Kindah
XII Khazar line: mixed with the Rotschild and Zionist line and the Turks.
- Ziebel
- Shad
- Irbis
- Khalga
- Khaban
- Busir
- Barjik
- Bihar
- Prisbit
- Baghatur
- Khan Tuvan /Dyggvi
- Tarkhan
- Zachariah
- XIII. Kínai line:
- Tianzi
- Sui
- Chu/Chen/Cheng
- ShijiZhou
- Tang
- Qin/Qing
- Han
- Xi/Xie/Xia
- Yao
- Shan
- Ku
- Zhuanxu
The Illuminati use their own symbols, their own bloodlines. Of course there are other tribal branches and descendants, but the pyramid in their system contains their own bloodlines. One can mention the tribe of Judah, which presumably carried on the lineage of Jesus, if not the bloodline, then certainly on a spiritual level.
"You will only ever understand as much of the world as is appropriate to your level of consciousness. What you are not worthy of, you will never receive."- Szilvia Tarjanyi
The great political scam: elections and the great fraud
Although many of you are still hoping for some kind of political salvation, I am afraid I must disappoint you all.
Holding elections and electoral fraud are just a charade and a necessary step to make people believe that they are actually powerless and cannot take control of their own lives. Physically and mentally, we are conditioned from a very young age that we are powerless, that the political elite have been given the role of controlling the world because of their abilities, and not to see the reality behind the scenes: that everything you think is for you is against you.
As in any sphere, there are several levels in Masonic societies, and a politician or economist initiated at a lower level does not know what the people at the higher levels are doing. so in this case we can talk about some political struggle over raw materials (gold, precious metal ores, crystals, water, plants, animals), but this struggle never concerns the back-up power, i.e. the internal government. The leaders of smaller countries, or countries that do not play an important role economically, so they occupy the lower levels. Of course, at all levels, new entrants are made to believe that they are the chosen ones, that they are worthy of leadership and that they are the best at everything. Obviously, those in the higher levels of the lodges are fully aware that the power of the initiates in the lower levels is not complete and that they must be assigned to a particular task, given a role and manipulated to achieve the greater goal.
That is why when the house of cards starts to turn and they feel they have been duped, they are faced with the same dilemma as we humans: not knowing where and who the Enemy is. For manipulation is precisely a sophisticated means of deception and concealment.
And such internal tension is also designed and well timed by the political global elite to further segregate the insiders of the lower levels, who are either given new roles in the selection process or forced to leave.
Thanks to protocols, long-established habits and manipulation strategies, the casting of roles is never accidental: presidents are not elected, they are chosen.
The election must be played out before the public, lest it be revealed that there is some kind of internal control, a secret conspiracy, which seeks, at the cost of any oppression and deception, to retain power and never, ever have the chance to lose control.
Since the aim is to create an unbreakable and irreversible world order based on a mechanised system, the claim that the election and its rigging is a sham is absolutely true. The rigging of the election is a play in which humanity can once again have what it loves and has longed for: who is the Good and who is the Bad.
And the fact that, once again, even fewer people are aware that this shabby charade is once again taking place on the side of Darkness. After a while, when it becomes suspect and the masses start to feel that something is very wrong, they neatly appoint a few people or a party or a government to play the role of evil and show the people that this tendency is the Evil, the guilty one, and the damage they have done cannot be undone. When we are on the brink of extinction, then, of course, comes Act 2: we have to act out the fall of Evil and begin the restoration and, of course, the building of the new system.
It is a seemingly endless cycle, of course, until total control and world domination is finally established, from which there is really no escape.
I have already referred to the means used for this in my previous post on transhumanism.
It is worth wondering, if we believe only in politics, how is it that in peacetime, for example during the Trump presidency, food was poisoned in the same way, the pharmaceutical industry was the same way, and our water was poisoned with fluoride in the same way?
Also, the period of no wars is worth thinking about for a moment. There were no wars, yet how did such a large army come out of nowhere? How did it happen that, out of nowhere, all countries could be closed at the same moment in time and all countries were, and still are, subject to almost exactly the same rules?
Well, it is the blueprint of a pre-planned and prepared system, designed for one purpose: to enslave all mankind, and indeed the whole earth, physically and mentally, into total slavery. Those of us who have been researching the underlying power for years know full well that there are separate documents and protocols for what measures must be taken to make people believe that there are right and left, different trends such as communism and capitalism. This is only the surface, and all measures are aimed at building a totally inhuman world without free thinking. To this end, certain model states have been created, such as North Korea, but also the Nazi era in Germany.
The New World Order is based on the following pillars: habituation to fear and obedience, habituation to paedophilia, military armaments, increased taxes, provocation of wars, employment and food supply, reduction of basic health care, and - among other things - a soul-killing programme for transgender people.
How do we get out of all this?
The solution is simple and obvious - but not easy.
It does not have to be obeyed. You don't have to agree with them or follow them.
It is the only solution for all measures. There is no other. There are no compromises.
As I have already said, the names of the major politicians, of the experts, are codes, so that is not even their real name by chance, they have simply entered the public consciousness in this way. A little more political context: these are a few things worth looking at, and I think many of you have realised that:
Trump from the English word trumpet, which means trumpet, trombone. I think the trumpet solo reminds everyone of their assigned role.
Bill Gates: gate itself means gate. Gates to the New World.
Hillary Clinton: From the English word hilarious, which has a cheerful, cheerful meaning in English, but it's not just a word, it has a famous, famous meaning. And the word clin means glitter. If we look at the period of government, all these meanings make sense.
Steve Jobs: co-founder of Apple, creator of the iPhone. Job itself means job. It is a reference to the machine age - a time when no work can be done without a mobile phone and laptop.
Biden: from the English word bid, a kind of offer, a bid.
Putin: Put in. I think that speaks for itself.
The whole world is theatre...but puppet theatre
Our everyday life-which we think is the Reality, and that all we have to do is get some education, make a lot of money, have a family and have everything we need financially-is nothing more than participating in a simulation.
We live our lives in a system that is an artificially fabricated world based on deception, whose sole purpose is to deprive people of their basic rights and abilities.
Here are some techniques and technologies to achieve physical and mental manipulation:
Physical manipulation tools:
-Heavy metals and chemicals in water, air and food: tin, lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and aluminum are the most commonly used substances in the food supply. Fluoride, alcohol and benzene derivatives in cosmetics and detergents, various volatile oils absorbed through the skin also contribute not only to skin and hair health, but can cause serious damage when they enter the bloodstream: motor neurons are impaired, nerve connections, synapses are damaged, blood clotting and coagulation problems, etc.
- -chemtrail: airborne chemicals, heavy metals and smart dust.
- -Intelligens tissue nanotech, Morgellon
- -Frequency and radiation weapons: chemtrail, electromagnetic waves and frequencies (smart devices, 5G and 6G, HAARP, other artificial devices that have harmful effects on cells and energy control devices)
- -microchips, DNA tracking, eugenics-based devices
- -sound wave based techniques
- -electrosmog : electric cars, smart towers
Mind manipulation devices:
all media, TV, radio, newspapers, most of the internet, education system and religions. Also, much of the music that fits into modern culture, economic manipulation strategies, modern spiritualism and fear mongering (inducing mental anxiety, depression).
Physical manipulative devices also have a mental impact, of course, especially nanotechnology, sound wave based devices and frequency weapons.
Ascension - as I see it
Many people who are on the path of Ascension, or in possession of this information, are constantly asking what exactly the phenomenon of Ascension is, or when the process will end.
Ascension itself is a process, not a specific, momentary event.
Since 2012, the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, it has been possible for the planet and its civilisations to connect to a different frequency and information content of energy on both a spiritual and physical level.
The process of Ascension is preceded by an awakening process whereby the individual has the opportunity to shift their consciousness from a manipulated state to a more awakened, higher level of consciousness. The role of external circumstances can then be questioned, and the individual turns inward and begins to search for his or her own path, often accompanied by a sense of mission: who am I and where have I come from, what is the purpose of my existence?
It also reveals that the world is not what it seems, and that the meaning of existence is not what has been defined by external circumstances.
Ascension is successful when the mental awakening is accompanied by a sense of realisation and physical relaxation.
Awareness of the awakening process, i.e. of the manipulated escorts and iridescents, is essential for conscious awakening and therefore for ascension.
Heart coherence based thinking and re-tuning can energize the heart chakra and raise consciousness, but it does not directly lead to physical awakening and activation of the hidden codes of DNA.
Heart frequency based functioning and the development of emotional intelligence is itself an essential step to Ascension, as it is one of the foundations of our cosmic perception.
Physical manifestation is a manifestation whereby our DNA and cells are able to consciously connect to and project information from an energy field with a specific information content.
At this point, the individual is not only able to harness his or her latent abilities, but is also able to develop a stable, coherent relationship with his or her higher self that operates both unconsciously and consciously.
The 5D Earth
The Earth in the 5th dimension also requires some understanding.
First of all, the Earth has a specific evolutionary cycle, and its programs change accordingly.
The ascension of the Earth itself will occur in 2021, which is an energetic event and will be completed in about 900-1000 years, during which time the living body and the human body will be transformed: it will be able to absorb energy from the etheric spaces and then transform it.
The whole planet will go together from 3rd to 5th dimension: this means that in the 4th dimensional astral plane the planet will spend very little time and the process will not stop but continue uninterrupted.
This is necessary in order to avoid another energetic trap whereby the background forces, by creating artificial cataclysms and negatively affecting the Earth's electromagnetic field, keep the planet in the 3rd dimension or drag it back out of the 4th dimension. The servants of the superpowers are currently using frequency and energy weapons to try to slow or stop the process, as they will no longer be able to physically leave the planet.
Frequency changes are taking place in the Earth's magnetosphere which are facilitating the dimensional shift. The polarity of the Earth's inner core will also change, with the heat released being transferred to the tectonic plates. This causes cataclysms, strong winds, floods and volcanic eruptions. This process is necessary for the Earth to adapt to the new electromagnetic energy. At the end of the process, the external electromagnetic field splits and reaches a different frequency band, increasing the freqvecnce of the etheric Earth.
What is happening now and the tremendous fear-mongering is happening to drag the Earth back into the 3rd dimension, because the 5th dimension is fearless and manifesting with everything. Normally with the completion of the Aquarian Age most humans would be able to ascend and take their physical bodies and transform, however on the current 3D planet there is a bloodline war going on between the Illuminati and humanity. In this case there are two possibilities.
2. with the cooperation and joint efforts of humans, the 3D Earth will also ascend to the 5th dimensional model Earth and unite. In this case, the humans who have not ascended in a short time will have more time to learn and evolve, the civilization will not be wiped out, and more souls can be saved.
The goal of the Hatter Power is to destroy the physical 3 dimensional Earth, as their fate is decided on the astral plane and their downfall is inevitable, therefore the current emerging 5th dimensional Earth is currently present in a holographic state. In fact, it is a template Earth, a holographic pattern.
For the time being, this is where those beings who cannot continue their existence in 3rd dimensional reality, but whose energetic pattern and frequency level is sufficient to continue into the next cycle as a more advanced life form, will be placed. The information packet of people living in the current 3rd Dimensional plane of existence, i.e. the remaining 10 salu DNA template, is also present as a frequency signature on the 5th Dimensional Earth.
The 3rd Dimensional Earth will gradually ascend and meet the sample Earth in the 5th Dimension, and when this process is complete, the Earth will be repopulated with life forms suitable for the 5th Dimensional life form based on the holographic pattern
That is, no one will be able to be an Earthling after the millennium unless they ascend. Those who fail the Ascension process now because of the current situation will incarnate on the 3D Earth and have the opportunity to repeat the cycle for another 1000 years or so.
Those who fail to awaken and ascend during this time will have their existence erased, as the 6th Failure will also result in the loss of the remaining 2 strands of DNA information.
The process of Ascension is individual, it happens differently for each person in time and space, so it is everyone's responsibility.
Mass awakening is possible during solar flares and through collaboration.
If the coming together of people on the 3rd dimensional Earth fails, then the people who have achieved ascension individually will be the prototypes for the next life form.
Why LightBearer?
Many of you have probably wondered why I chose the name Lightbearer.
Don't get me wrong, the name Lightbearer has nothing to do with Satanism or even demons. The word LightBearer in itself means Lightbringer. Lucifer is called LightBringer, and demons and other dark entities are called Lightkeepers. Of course, the media, computer games and other social platforms have already twisted this name completely out of its original meaning.
The LightBearers are the original Light Keepers, and here I am referring to the ancient wisdom, the beings that carry the original core of divine Light (which is in every human being created by love-based intelligence). In fact, they are similar to the Valkyries. In ancient mythology, the ancient wise beings who guided the people, showed the original Light and helped the people were called LightBearers.