Autographed copies of the second, expanded edition of The Vertical Coffin are available from the author's website:
or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Robert C. Castel all Weeks interview:

Topics for today's broadcast:
Pentagon documents
What is reality, what is distortion? Is it a leak or is it part of a strategic deception operation?
China: Emmanuel Macron and Ursula von der Leyen
Is there a reality to France's policy of detachment?
The plan for a Ukrainian-Polish State Union
What kind of post-war Europe is emerging?
The consequences of Finland's accession
Is Europe safer after Finland's accession to NATO?
Russian defence
Russian forces dug a huge trench more than seventy-two kilometres long in the occupied Zaporizhzhya area. What is the purpose of this?
Herszon v Bahmut. How did the two campaigns differ in their military and political objectives?
Nord Stream-2
What is the purpose of the successive versions?
Viewer questions
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