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Excerpt from the live, exclusive forum on 6 February 2024, access the full broadcast:
Robert C. Castel: Exclusive Live Forum - Chaos in Ukraine, US Intervention (corrected version!)

Robert C. Castel's and Tamás Király's joint book, BETWEEN THE MIRACLES OF THE VEREKED can be ordered at, with the code "HETEK2024" entered in the "signing text" field, the publisher will send you a Robert C. Castel quoted keychain as a gift.
A THIRD, EXTENDED EDITION OF THE HANDBOUND COPY IS NOW AVAILABLE, PERSONAL DEDICATED COPY COPY can be ordered at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Robert C. Castel answers questions from viewers:
What makes an expert a realist?
Does C. Castel have the right qualifications for his analysis?
Why does he not judge Russia or Iran on moral grounds?
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