11 Feb 2024 - Robert C. Castel What makes an expert a realist - A methodological introduction for fake critics
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Excerpt from the live, exclusive forum on 6 February 2024, access the full broadcast:
Robert C. Castel: Exclusive Live Forum - Chaos in Ukraine, US Intervention (corrected version!)
Robert C. Castel's and Tamás Király's joint book, BETWEEN THE MIRACLES OF THE VEREKED can be ordered at https://www.ultrahangkonyvek.com, with the code "HETEK2024" entered in the "signing text" field, the publisher will send you a Robert C. Castel quoted keychain as a gift.
A THIRD, EXTENDED EDITION OF THE HANDBOUND COPY IS NOW AVAILABLE, PERSONAL DEDICATED COPY COPY can be ordered at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Robert C. Castel answers questions from viewers:
What makes an expert a realist?
Does C. Castel have the right qualifications for his analysis?
Why does he not judge Russia or Iran on moral grounds?
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