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You can watch the recording of the Hungarians for Israel solidarity rally here:
"Now I should say something like good afternoon from a sunny Jerusalem! The problem is that there is no sunshine here, it is a black night, probably one of the blackest nights I have ever seen in my life, and Jerusalem is a long way away. Jerusalem is very, very far away from here, not in a physical sense but in a spiritual sense, everything that Jerusalem stands for is very, very far away from here." - said the security expert to the participants of the solidarity rally organised by the Weeks and Radio Faith.
Referring to his speeches over the past year and a half, Castel said he was acting as a shepherd dog warning the wolf, and that sometimes the sheep got angry at him for it.
"I said things that were not velvety to the ear, that were not pleasant to hear, not pleasant to think about, much more pleasant to believe the velvet lies. That's how the war in Ukraine started, that's how the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh started, with the hundreds of thousands of refugees, and that's how this tragedy started here in Israel, with people trying to normalise something that is not normal, that will never be normal."
According to Castel, the paradoxical tragedy of our existence is that the only way to live a normal life is to settle into a completely abnormal existence in a completely abnormal world.
"Those who try to convince us of how beautiful and how wonderful this world is and how nice the rules are, are not doing us any favours at all. They're the ones who are doing the most damage, and they're the ones who caused these wars, they're the ones who caused this disgrace that led to this tragedy in Israel, they're the ones who caused the Karabakh crisis."
Such people "try to spread the cruelty of the world, that there is an evil out there. They don't believe that there is good and there is evil, and that evil is in fact just a problem that can be solved by appropriate socio-political means.
There may be a Satan out there in hell, but if you set up a house of culture in hell and start enough social programmes, then Satan actually becomes a monk."
"Well, I have bad news, Satan will never become a monk, and that's what we've seen here on the Gaza border in the last few days: Satan will never become a monk, and those who try to make Satan a monk bring disaster on themselves and their whole nation."
"Perhaps the most important thing is for Hungary to learn from Israel's mistakes, from Israel's trials. I believe that it is the duty of every state and every citizen to prepare itself to be able to function in an abnormal world, to protect its children in an abnormal world and to settle down to a normal existence in an abnormal world," said the security expert, who thanked Hungary for the messages and support it has received in many forms, also on behalf of his fellow Israelis.
"These are the things I wanted to say, and if the Almighty keeps me, I hope to see you again. Goodbye and I hope that we will have a sunny Jerusalem again." - Robert C. Castel concluded his message.

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