Robert C. Castel, Neokohn Senior Fellow and security policy expert, says that the Western press's coverage of only one side's position is misleading public opinion, as the recent incident in Poland has shown.
"The media narrative on the missile strike in Poland has changed at least three times in 12 hours. The first was the visceral response that there was Russian aggression against Poland, and there were those who were already demanding an immediate and swift response. A little later, during the night, the narrative changed and people started talking about Russian-made missiles hitting Poland. And by the morning, it emerged that US experts believe it was probably anti-aircraft missiles fired by Ukrainians against Russian cruise missiles and two of those missiles then hit the territory of Poland," Israeli security policy expert Robert C. Castel told the Weeks podcast.
According to Castel, one of the cankers is the click-hunting press, which is practically willing to publish anything just to get a few more articles, a few more clicks, and to get ahead of the competition. "There's a vicious competition, everybody wants to be first, everybody wants to get the most clicks, and so the opportunity to get verified information to the public is diminishing. The more this competition intensifies, the more it diminishes. And in the long run, the press is effectively cutting the wood out from under itself."
The security expert assessed the statement by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urging NATO to act against "Russian terror". As he said, "Ukraine has a fundamental interest in widening this conflict and confronting Russia not only with Ukraine but with NATO as a whole. This is a natural, perfectly understandable and perfectly logical interest. But it is not NATO's interest."
In the rest of the interview it is discussed, among other things,
- the dangers of calling for an airspace blockade against Russia
- what historical analogy applies to the current conflict
- the danger of the Western press consistently reporting only one side's position
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