We spoke to Robert C. Castel, security policy expert and senior fellow at Neokohn, this week in Budapest at the Scruton Belváros Kávéház, about the moral and strategic issues of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
"Since 24 February, Ukraine has had no chance of getting out of this war well. Ukraine has lost this war anyway. Now, I know that philosophers will argue about this for decades, about how far Russia has been defeated because there are three floors of Ukrainian sovereign territory left on the Polish border, but that is not the measure of things. Human lives, human lives are the measure of the matter, and the future of Ukraine is the measure of the matter. So the question has to be asked: what are we trying to save here? We are here to save Ukraine's right to join NATO, Ukrainian society, the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian nation in this war. What we want to save is the sacred right of Ukraine to join a military alliance, and I'm not sure that killing hundreds of thousands of people and making millions of people refugees is a value for money," said Robert C. Castel during the discussion.
How world leaders have performed during the war, excerpt from our previous broadcast:

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For more on:
- Healing social trauma takes longer than rebuilding
- The West is waging a moral crusade
- What is the responsibility of those who help Ukrainians to die before themselves?
- What responsibility does the West have for what Russia is doing to Ukraine?
- How has a year of war changed the world?
- Why can't Europe assert its interests?
- How has the war weakened America against its enemies?
- What is behind the spy balloons and unidentified Legi objects?
- Where are the blind spots in the NORAD system?
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