A cashless world and total control: Ukraine, China, Israel and Norway are the test cases
The process of transition to a cashless society has accelerated in recent years, especially during the coronavirus epidemic, but this trend started long ago, based on a carefully prepared plan.
In 2014, for example, it was predicted by Larry Summers, one of the most influential and controversial finance politicians of the past decade:
"A world using money different and new from today's will be a world different and new from today's. We are moving in that direction much faster than most people think. The lives of citizens and central bankers alike are fundamentally changing".
According to the former US Treasury Secretary, a cashless world is not a distant utopia, but a reality that all nations will have to face in the near future.
Where are the testing grounds for this transition? Pretty much everywhere, but there are key test countries - Israel, Norway, China and most recently Ukraine.
In our latest podcasts, economist László Bogár, political scientist Tamás Fricz and security policy expert Robert C. Castel analyse these issues in the Weeks podcast.
The interviews are taken from these broadcasts:
László Bogár.

Tamás Fricz: A world without cash, a 15-minute city with exit quotas - building social control

Robert C. Castel: Banning cash is the most effective tool of dictatorship

Mammon, Jesus and the banks of Rome: how money rule in history - Dr. Tibor Grüll

Source of inserts:
YouTube/Lawrence Summers
YouTube/Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
YouTube/Warthog Defense

Image source: Shutterstock/Puzzlepix
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