Robert C. Castel, Senior Fellow at Neokohn, on the background to current events in the war in Ukraine
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The Polish government waited for hours to announce the missile strike because US President Joe Biden was halfway around the world, asleep at the G20 summit in Indonesia. As it turned out, he was expected to brief them on what to communicate and how to communicate it. Does this mean that what and how we learn about the war depends on US approval? Is that how much leeway national governments have?
What role do missiles and missile defence play in the war in Ukraine? What is this kind of warfare for? Can they be used to achieve a decisive turnaround?
At what level is the Russian army using missile weaponry? What is the level of missile defence in Ukraine (current top systems vs. those deployed in Ukraine). How much is this a war of 21st century warfare and how much of 20th century warfare?
Was the Polish impact an accidental force majeure, or do these things happen regularly on Ukrainian soil, we just don't hear about it?
Israel has been forced to defend itself against missile attacks for decades (Gaza, Hezbollah, Syria, Iraqi SCUDs in the Gulf War, Iran's missile program). There have been huge advances in missile defense, but so have the enemy. What lessons have been learnt, what does continued preparedness mean, what has been averted and what is the biggest concern?
G-20 and the new world order. What could be concluded from the summit? Whose position was strengthened and whose weakened in the wake of the war?
I heard at a media conference this week that 'plebeian journalism' has emerged, with lay posters and commentators becoming active opinion formers. Obviously there is a lot of extremism on social platforms, but there is a lot of substantive, sober commentary and questioning - this was evident in the reactions after the Polish incident.
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