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Excerpt from the live forum on 18.03.2024, the full broadcast can be viewed here:

Robert C. Castel's and Tamás Király's joint book, BETWEEN THE MIRACLES OF THE VEREKED can be ordered at, with the code "HETEK2024" entered in the "signing text" field, the publisher will send you a Robert C. Castel quoted keychain.
A THIRD, EXTENDED EDITION OF THE HANDBOUND COPY IS NOW AVAILABLE, PERSONAL DEDICATED COPY COPY can be ordered at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Robert C. Castel analyzes the situation after the Russian presidential election:
What was at stake for Putin? What can you read in the results? Did Vladimir Putin cheat in the election, and if so, does it matter, since he has no alternative?
"I dreamed of a strong Russia. I hope that the results will allow us to achieve it together," Putin said in his victory speech.
What does Putin mean by a strong Russia? What does he think about the state of the world, and Russia in it, and why does he think the West is going wrong?
He said one of his main goals was to fulfil the tasks of the "special operation". He added that "the armed forces must be strengthened. This is being done at a very good pace and with high quality". What could this mean? How might this change his foreign policy and war strategy? For example, can mobilisation be expected?
Asked about the prospects of a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia, he said: 'I think anything is possible in the modern world, but I have said it before and it is clear to everybody that [this] would be one step away from a full-scale third world war. I don't think it's in anybody's interest".
Will there be peace during his next term, or will there be all-out war, which could escalate into a third world war at any time?
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