Security policy expert Robert C Castel, Neokohn's chief correspondent, also answers questions from viewers on whether the secretive backroom power is trying to send a message through its infamous hand-holding.
Autographed copies of the second, expanded edition of The Vertical Coffin are available from the author's website:
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"When Germany fell apart after the Second World War and Europe was effectively under American and Russian military occupation, the decision was very simple: form a NATO to keep the Russians out, the Germans down and the Americans in. And the one who stayed in, the one who guaranteed all this, the United States, dictated the process. If the Russians had occupied Europe, and not only had they got as far as the Elbe, but God forbid, as far as the English Channel, they would probably have dictated that Europe and European history in the 20th century would have been completely different. That is why wars must be won. One of the great lessons of history is that wars are better won than not won," Robert C. Castel said in an interview with the Week.
The situation in the East remains unchanged
More than a week after the anniversary of the war, there is still no sign of the big surprise President Putin promised. In Bahmut, the same battle is being fought that we were talking about here on the air just a month ago, the outcome of which could show Putin's true intentions.
- What can we read from all this?
Topic: Ukrainian air strikes on Russian territory
The drone war has entered a new level in the Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict: in 24 hours, Ukrainian warplanes have attacked at least six targets in Russia, including Gazprom's oil storage facilities. One Ukrainian drone was shot down near Moscow.
- What is the purpose of these attacks?
According to the German newspaper Bild, the West would give the Ukrainian president an ultimatum that if he fails to retake the occupied Russian territories within a certain deadline, he must make peace with Russia.
- How relevant can an anonymous report in a German tabloid be and would such an objective make sense?
Topic: air war on the Russian-Ukrainian front
- Why has Russia failed to date to achieve, if not air superiority, at least some form of air superiority? Could they not or would they not, and if the latter, why? What can they expect, since sooner or later Western fighters will appear in Ukrainian airspace?
- If there is no question of Russian air superiority, where has the Ukrainian air force gone?
- What do the Russians hope to achieve with their strategic air offensive, and why is Ukraine so defenceless against these attacks?
- Will the Western and non-Western aircraft promised to Ukraine make a difference?
Subject: Iran
The Pentagon estimates that Iran could produce enough fissile material for a nuclear bomb in roughly "12 days".
- What can be read from Iran's decades-long nuclear programme - are they using the nuclear process as a blackmail card or are they really trying to get their hands on a nuclear weapon ready for deployment?
- What are the main challenges of an Israeli pre-emptive strike and what must be achieved to call such an intervention effective?
Topic: The FBI director confirms that the Covid virus is likely to have come from a Chinese lab.
- What damage is this total discredit to Western media and democracy? Does the rise of alternative media increase freedom of expression or, on the contrary, strengthen the need for information control in power?
Viewers' questions, in which Robert C. Castel also answers the question: does the backroom power want to send a message through its notorious hand-holding?
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