EXTRACT from the broadcast of 28 June 2023
Watch our full broadcast here:
Robert C. Castel: Why has the Ukrainian counter-offensive stalled?

Robert C. Castel brings you fresh analysis every week here on the Weeks channel, and answers questions from our viewers.
What would you ask Robert C. Castel? Please leave a comment and we will ask our guest.
How did Robert C. Castel see the course of the war unfolding?
This series is an edited compilation of previous episodes of the Weeks Originals podcast
For the latest analysis, go here:

Previous installments in our series:
Chronicle of War with Geopolitical Analysis by Robert C. Castel #1 (through October 2022):

Robert C. Castel: The Chronicle of War #2 - Putin proclaims new goals, the West proclaims "progressive jihad" (November 2022)

Robert C. Castel: Chronicle of the War #3 - Is the last great Ukrainian success the Russian withdrawal from Herszon? (December 2022)

Chronicle of the War #4 - The face of the war has changed, Ukraine has faltered, the internecine war has begun (December 2022 - January 2023)

Chronicle of War #5 - Why was the great Russian anniversary offensive delayed?

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