Chronicle of the war with geopolitical analysis by Robert C. Castel #1
The first part follows the events up to October 2022, based on Robert C. Castel's analysis in the Weeks podcasts, in which we followed the events of the war and their geopolitical context week by week (initially by phone, later in video calls and personal interviews)
Our broadcasts were taken from the original programmes, with editing only of the introductions, 'service bulletins' and non-substantive questions.
We plan to have new episodes every week, covering roughly one phase of the war at a time, at roughly 50-60 minutes per broadcast.
Topics for the first broadcast:
27 Sep 2022 / Robert C. Castel: The next stage could be nuclear war

How did the first phase of the war go?
Referenda in the occupied territories
Russian partial mobilisation
Shanghai summit

10/10/2022 / StarWars 2022: Can Putin win the Ukrainian war from space - Robert C. Castel

The situation after the annexation of the four provinces
Can Russia defend itself with tactical or strategic nuclear weapons?
Could the war extend to outer space?
The result of the partial mobilisation
The North Stream submarine pipeline has been blown up
Anti-Semitic incitement to war
17.10.2022 / Robert C. Castel: The Global Elite Plan, the Middle East and the Russian-Ukrainian War
The Ukrainian-Russian war as seen from Israel

A shifting energy map, new intercontinental marine deposits
Iranian drone involvement in the war
The impact of the US mid-term elections
The economic impact of the war on Europe
The influence of the Deep State, the shadow state and elite organisations on the war
All interviews and presentations by Robert C. Castel, here:

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Image Source:Shutterstock/Puzzlepix
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