How world leaders have fared in the 9 months of war so far - Robert C. Castel, Neokohn Senior Fellow, reviews for the Weeks
0:00 Vladimir Putin: "Able to defy the world's largest military alliance"
4:12 Volodymyr Zelensky: "An unlikely figure has become a symbol"
6:11 Joe Biden: "A huge failure, personally and for the American elite"
7:46 Emmanuel Macron: "A pleasant surprise for his solo act"
8:47 Olaf Scholz: "The big loser of the war"
10:35 British Prime Ministers Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak: "Appointed, not elected officials"
10:55 Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi: "All three are doing what they have to do"
12:51 UN and EU leaders António Guterres and Ursula von der Leyen: "Insignificant players in the world of nation states"
13:48 Pope Francis: 'His moral weight is much less than that of Pope John Paul II'
Watch the full interview here:

Robert C. Castel interviews and analysis all:

Image source: shutterstock/Puzzlepix

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