Excerpt from the interview of 07.07.2023, the full broadcast can be viewed here:

The balance of the French riots
President Macron is keen to uncover the causes - was there anything that was not already known?
The French President wants a "Lasting Republican Order" - is there a chance?
Is Europe's weakened defence capabilities a risk in the migrant crisis?
Robert C. Castel: The Chronicle of War series
How did Robert C. Castel see the war unfolding?
This series is an edited compilation of previous episodes of the Weeks Originals podcast
For the latest analysis, click here:

Previous installments in our series:
Chronicle of War with Geopolitical Analysis by Robert C. Castel #1 (through October 2022):

Robert C. Castel: The Chronicle of War #2 - Putin proclaims new goals, the West proclaims "progressive jihad" (November 2022)

Robert C. Castel: Chronicle of the War #3 - Is the last great Ukrainian success the Russian withdrawal from Herszon? (December 2022)

Robert C. Castel: Chronicle of War #4 -
The face of the war has changed, Ukraine has faltered, the internecine war has begun
(December 2022)

Robert C. Castel: The Chronicle of War #5 - Why the Great Russian Anniversary Offensive was delayed (December 2022 - January 2023)

Chronicle of War with Geopolitical Analysis by Robert C. Castel #6
(December-January 2023) Zelensky in Washington, Russian mobilization on the front

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