Let me release and oversee the money of a nation, and I don't care who makes its laws! "
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild bank
HaShatan is being served and the vast majority of people are being led to their deaths by him.
These Rotschilds are half a century ahead of us I think - great minds.
They have also "taken it so far" because they know the certain knowledge that "PYRAMIS" is their symbol and sun god, the knowledge that the himler has, i.e. the OKULT doctrines.
See: to this day the adherents of this rule mankind, i.e. the sheep, it is no coincidence that to this day they identify with the himler, whose wearing of glasses is hidden, but still to the sheep's face they express their belonging and adoration of him, even among politicians.

There will be a new world order, don't worry!
It's no coincidence that the "NEW WORLD ORDER WILL BE" is being talked about on a daily basis, especially in the "MEDIA NEWS", but somehow the sheeple don't care and sit at home waiting for that miracle.
Typical self-polishing show, we'll love them in the end, won't we!
The message: we used to be bad, but that's business.
We're better now, or at least better than the "new rich."
German documentary, 31 min, 1998
Director of photography: Rolf Jost
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