Dr Robert Malone:

"There is a temporal (over time) statistical correlation between regional vaccine uptake and the spike in excess mortality rates in the group of vaccinees over 60 years of age. . . I think his study may be one of the most important to become available this year, because the correlation between vaccines and excess mortality in the cohort studied (60+ years) appears to be very strong...".


"I come to this as someone who has an intimate, detailed knowledge of the technology, its risks and benefits, the nature of the formulations, the role of pseudouridine, all of these things. My view and the view of the organisation that I represent is that the data are now clear enough that we believe that the ongoing vaccination campaign is no longer justified ... . it is also our opinion that early (multi-drug) treatment saves lives; that we now have a broad spectrum of early treatment options. All the attacks in the press about ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, even if we put those aside, there are plenty of other agents: the novel agents, the monoclonal antibodies, lots of things."

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