The wall of silence around excess mortality in the UK.
Since the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines, a worrying trend has emerged in many countries: an increase in deaths not attributable to the virus itself, but ominously termed 'excess mortality'. However, amid growing public concern and calls for control, governments and the mainstream media have been conspicuously reluctant to address this worrying phenomenon.
Deadly Quiet documents the testimony of a British undertaker, John O'Looney. John's business is booming. Which in itself is a gloomy prospect, since John deals with corpses. But it gets worse. John is finding that more and more young people are dying, and cancer rates are accelerating. The changes in the number and age of the dying coincide with the discovery of strange white, rubbery clots in the blood vessels of the deceased.
Funeral directors and embalmers around the world have been struggling with this disturbing phenomenon since the widespread administration of COVID-19 vaccines.
In the UK, the correct procedure is to report these findings to the local coroner for investigation. John did so, but the local coroner was dismissive, suggesting that the samples, white rubbery clumps never seen before, could be discarded. John then took the findings to England's leading coroner, who refused to examine them, citing 'government policy'.
A wall of silence seems to have been built up in every corner of society. For example, only one MP, Andrew Bridgen, has dared to raise the issue of excessive deaths. Mr Bridgen's efforts provoked a hostile reaction and ostracised the very organisation he sought to hold to account.
While the questions remain and concerns continue to grow, the pressing question remains: in the face of mounting evidence of COVID-19 vaccines and the rising toll on human lives, how long can the powers that be maintain their deaf silence?
Publication date: 2024