Security policy expert Georg Spöttle was a guest on Radio Hit. The Western press suspects the Russians, but why would they destroy their own national property? They have the tap, so they can turn it off at any time. The pipeline was filled up. Now there is a 1 km gas vortex in the sea because of the gas," the expert said. CNN reported that Russian warships were in the area. Georg Spöttle says it is more likely that they went to the site with a stealth submarine and attached explosives to the pipeline. Who was behind the bombing? Georg Spöttle said: "If I had to place a bet, I would put a large amount on the United States and a small amount on Poland. Putin is announcing the accession of four counties to Russia today. In the counties where the referendum was completed, 95 percent of the population is of Russian origin. It was welcomed by the people. People were fed up with the war, they want to live in peace," he said.

Alexandra Kauzál.
Editor: Joób Rhodé
Staff:Gergely Kovács, András Longauer, József Szabó


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