What does a man of science do when, while visiting the Natural History Museum in Vienna, he is struck by the fact that humanity has reached the finishing line in the exploitation of the available resources?
Most of all, he does what András Gelencsér, Rector of the University of Pannonia, does: he gets scared. And then he starts sharing his realisation with scientific circles. His words reached a wide section of society in an interview with 24.hu last summer, but ringing the alarm bell was not an undivided success.
Even his colleagues told him not to scare people, to which he replied that he was not saying all this because he wanted to scare people.
He was scared himself. He and I went through what materials we have left under our feet, what he thinks will happen if we run out of some of them, and what dangers our civilisation faces if we continue to cut down the trees under our feet, and especially if we do not realise that we cannot continue to live as we are living now. Dr András Gelencsér:
András Gelencsér - Air Chemistry (uni-pannon.hu)
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