As an editor, I've seen countless documentaries on the subject, but this is by far my favourite!
Even more than the much-publicised Sudden Death, I liked it because it covers a broader spectrum.
What's important to understand is that Covid is just a tool that's been used to catalyse certain things, or to get things through to us that would normally be impossible.
"The vaccine was not created because of COVID...
COVID was created for the vaccine.
When you understand that, everything else makes sense."
~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
He talks about nanotechnology, transhumanism, why graphene oxide is in vaccines, DNA programming and Agenda 2030 in detail.
Klaus Schwab, the Chinese credit system, the WHO and much more.
It's very strange and unfortunate that this film has received such unfairly little attention because I think it is one of, if not the best film on the subject..
So I recommend it to you:
The Big Reset Movie - The Big Reset Plandemic & Vaccines Documentary 2022 (must see!)


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