Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was born and raised in Bremen. He attended school in Bremen and Farmington Hills, Michigan. He studied law at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and in Los Angeles.
Among other things, he worked as a research assistant at the law faculty of the Georg-August University in Göttingen, where he received his doctorate. Before he founded the law firm Dr. Fuellmich, he worked in the corporate customer business of Deutsche Bank in Germany and Japan.
Dr. Fuellmich has published various articles and books in the fields of banking law, medical law and private international law and has taught as a professor and lecturer at universities in Germany and Estonia.
Professional Activities
- May 2002 to May 2003
Lecturer / Professor, GISMA University Hanover, Germany / Indiana USA - May 1993 Admission to the German Bar, foundation of the law firm Fuellmich & Associates in Göttingen
- 07/15/1993 Passed the bar exam for the US state of California and admission to the California bar
- October/November 1994 EU lecturer at the University of Tartu in Estonia
- April 1993 to March 2001 Scientific assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. dr hc mult. Erwin Deutsch, Faculty of Law at the University of Göttingen
- June 1992 to March 1993 Lawyer in the law firm Kremers, Seegers & Partners in Hamburg
- October 1991 to May 1992 Deutsche Bank AG, Tokyo branch (corporate banking)
- October 1990 to August 1991 Deutsche Bank trainee
- August 1985 to June 1986 Research Associate at the Research Center for Medical and Pharmaceutical Law (Directors: Prof. Dr. Erwin Deutsch and Prof. Dr. Hans Ludwig Schreiber
- August 1987 to September 1990 legal clerk for judges at the Celle Higher Regional Court Prof. Dr. dr hc mult. Erwin German
Special experiences
- January 1978 to September 1978 46th officer candidate Year of the Panzer Troops School in Munster
- 1969 to 1974 member of the Bremen state team for artistic gymnastics
Main areas of activity
- Banking and Stock Exchange Law
- International private law
- Medical law
- German American Lawyers Association
- German Japanese Lawyers Association
- German Lawyers Association
Founding board member of the Corona Committee Foundation, and founding member of the A-DuR interest group (Action Democracy and Law) to introduce, among other things, real class action lawsuits in the sense of class action and a right of evidence that is proven by sanctions in the sense of discovery in civil procedural law for the purpose of creating equality of arms in legal disputes with structural imbalance due to the involvement of state bodies or corporations
- Death in the Hospital and the Patient's Right to Free Self Determination, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt
Main, Bern, New York, Paris 1990 - Banks' Liability for Fraudulent Real Estate Financing through "Trustees" on a massive scale (Banks'
Liability for Fraudulent Real Estate Financing through "Trustees"),
Journal for Economic Law, pp. 427 and pp. 465 (1999) - Tendencies in Korean Product Liability Law,
Journal for Comparative Law, pp. 310, 1995 - Civil Responsibility for Driving under the Influence of Pharmaceutical Drugs in Germany
in Medicine and Law, pp. 23, 1995 - On the refusal of artificial life-prolonging measures by patients who are unable to make decisions
(About the Right of Incompetent Patients to Refuse Artificial Life
Support), in: NJW 1990, pp 2301 - Gene Technology in Medical Diagnostics and Criminal Procedure and Criminal Liability
for Malpractice in Germany, in: International Journal of Medicine and Law. Vol. 9, No. 2,
pp. 755, 1990 - Still controversial: The patient's right to a self-determined death, (Still
Under Debate: A patient's Right to a Self Determined Death), in: LBK Forum (Magazine
for Hamburg's Hospitals), 4. 1990, p4 - VuR essay on court fraud by DB 2017
- Myops essay "Constitutional State or Deutsche Bank State?" 2018