You can upload an unlimited number of videos and other content to the site.

However, unlike Facebook or YouTube, the storage capacity here is unfortunately not endless.

That is, you can upload videos larger than 108mb as a link to the page.

The process is very simple, see the picture below.

Almost every social and video sharing portal has a hotlink option for linking material, on YouTube the share button on Facebook is the copy link option, but if you have content that you prefer to censor, I recommend the following platforms:

There is a hotlink option on both platforms, but if total security is the main consideration I will vote for Odysee.

It is based on blockchain technology and uses the LBRY protocol, imagine that the material is not stored on a central server like YouTube but on different nodes, with hundreds of machines slicing and distributing pieces of your content.

Once uploaded, they will not be able to moderate or remove your content.

Read on from the link above to see exactly how it works!

If you have any questions, email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.