- Details
- Written by root
- Category: Donations
Welcome to our site!
The events of the past year have brought this site to life, as some of us felt that there was no clear and easy-to-access portal to find information in Hungarian that was being blocked and banned on the major social networking sites.
In less than a month, we have reached over ten thousand views, which is more than we expected!
This shows that many people are looking for answers to questions they don't like to be asked..
Processing, subtitling and timing content from the biggest alternative sites takes time and resources.
If you like the site and what it stands for, please support us so we can share as much material as possible.
We have plans to share more videos, articles and other content in the near future.
How can you support our site?
You can make both regular and one-off monthly contributions.
We thank you in advance for your support, you can choose the amount you want to contribute here, or you can enter any amount you like. You can send a monthly or one-off contribution if you like our videos and want to contribute to their future publication.
One-off support can mean a lot, but it's the regular monthly support that makes our work really stable.
What do we use grants for?
Writing fresh articles, subtitling, making videos, covering the cost of servers, continually improving the platform and the site, and increasing the staff.