For days now, the pedophile scandal surrounding the children's homes of the St. Francis Foundation has been unfolding, in the light of which we can contemplate in very strange moral flashes the exposed fragments of Reality and Truth, the tip of an iceberg, which the Titanic idol of Brother Csaba, degraded to "superstar celebrity", seems to have hit and his fancy nylonlogue has begun to sink.

As it turned out, one of the children's home educators, Szabolcs Kedves, had been abusing and sexually abusing children in the home for many years. The gruesome details of the indictment, published on the website of the court in Chiucszereda, reveal that the paedophile "educator" not only raped and forced several children into sexual abuse, but also physically abused them and even put their lives in danger on more than one occasion. There were children who were locked out on the upstairs windowsill by the perverted educator, some who were beaten with broomsticks, some who were urinated on and some who were fed faeces as a punishment.


I also do not understand why the contact details and name of the sadistic paedophile sentenced to 30 years in prison are still on the Foundation's website.



Are the authorities not that interested in this even now? Even after what happened? Or why? What is the circular reasoning behind this avalanche?



As a responsible leader, the paedophile educator is still the source of the orphan business. Why?

This is a shocking and huge problem, but there is a bigger one, and that is that this is clearly not the only similar case in these charitable children's homes that have gone from being a child rescue business to an orphan business.

What is astonishing is that the part of society suffering from pathos poisoning, who are completely blinded by Böjte's hypocritical propaganda, which in fact (apart from some of the language) has little to do with Christian, Jesuit or St Francis doctrines, and are now not even concerned about the raped and abused children, but about what will happen to the celebrity father?



Csaba Böjte has long had nothing to do with the spirituality that should characterise the followers of Saint Francis.

I myself have personally visited Deva , I spent a year at the St. Francis Foundation in 1999, just as the heroic era of the wonderful and genuine rescue of children was coming to an end and Brother Csaba, driven mad by his own ego, was embarking on the tempting path to celebrity status.



My report on Deva, when it was really a children's rescue and not an orphan children business with the name of Saint Francis

I know and I have experienced that in children's homes like Böjte's, the number one principle was hypocrisy, keeping up appearances, hiding behind a blinkered pathos, and if anyone drew attention to sins, transgressions, mistakes, they were immediately blacklisted and it was not the one who committed the sin who was stoned, but the one who spoke out for the mistakes, transgressions.

Over the last 22 years, this has only grown and grown, and behind the pathos, it is hard to imagine what was lurking.

I have seen an educator at the head of Chaba's shelters whose character, past and moral credentials would not have been enough to be a madam in a shabby brothel, let alone a manager in a church children's home. But she could play the role of pathos and lying hypocrisy well. At least for a while.

As an old good friend, I have warned Brother Csaba, who had strayed from the path of God, from the path of St Francis, several times in recent years, but there was no one to talk to. The former child-saving monk was no more, and he is no more, just a star-struck, God-complexed, politically prostituted starlet instead of the man I once respected and loved, as you can read in my book of reports on the monastery of Deva.

At this moment I do not want to publish my own investigative report on this, others have done it for me.

I am going to publish such an article here, to which I would like to add a few things.

Several people have pointed out to me that we are also taking over articles from so-called 'liberal' left-wing newspapers.

Then let's be clear, I am not interested in the political stance of a journalist if he is writing the TRUTH, the TRUTH about a company that is SICK OF CHILDREN AND THEIR PROBABILITY!



So I am not interested in any one political tendency, I am interested in seeing the satanic screen of a decades-long public blindness come down and humanity triumph in the light of truth.

I do not know the author of the article below personally, but I know that he is a journalist who calls himself a liberal.

And I am not really interested in this now, because, with the exception of one or two sentences, I myself, in the light of my knowledge of the situation and my personal knowledge, would be brave enough to accept and sign it.

And I am shocked to see the Hungarian social strata that still considers the star lover with the dirty, neon-eyed mouth as the innocent victim of this horror story of paedophilia, and not the children at home who have been ruined for life.

Yes, the idol has fallen, because false idols fall! They can be huge, golden, intimidating, but if they are false, all it takes is a whiff from the wings of St Francis' doves and the false idol falls into the mud. That's what's happening right now.

I commend the following writing to your attention, not because of the author's political affiliation, BUT ONLY BECAUSE THE WRITING BELOW IS ALSO TRUE!

Mária Szőke, Editor-in-Chief

Csaba Böjte wrote a letter to László Bartus, here is the reply

Csaba Böjte, the founder of the St. Francis of Deva Foundation, which has become notorious in recent weeks for its pedophile scandal, has written a letter to László Bartus, the editor-in-chief of the American Népszava, who has written several critical articles about Csaba Böjte's actions and his responsibility in the pedophile case. Below is the letter from the Franciscan friar and below his response.

Csaba Böjte sent the following letter, in which he invited the editor-in-chief of the American Népszava to the following event (click on the link), entitled "A glass of water" and "It's good to be good":



László Bartus sent the following letter to Csaba Böjte, the "saviour of orphans":

Dear Csaba Böjte,

Thank you for your letter, I am glad that this gives me the opportunity to express my opinion to you personally. I am very pleased to have this opportunity to give you my personal opinion. Therefore, please read it.

You may not know this, but I was also an adopted child and I never knew my biological parents. I have a deep understanding of the psyche of children in difficult circumstances, I have a deep compassion for them and I consider them my brothers and sisters in arms. I am therefore deeply outraged that you are using orphans and/or children in difficulty for political ends, for political gain.

As a man of faith, I am also offended that you should use for personal glory a service that you should do modestly, anonymously, humbly, almost in secret, because it is not authentic. The hypocrisy of the way he "trumpets himself", seeking glory by his "good deed", which is a most pagan, ungodly behaviour, is in the utmost contradiction with the teachings of Jesus, with the spirit of the Jewish New Testament.

You have not enough time, patience and attention for the essentials, for the children, in the midst of your celebrity, your celebrity priesthood. That is how a sadistic paedophile could rape, sexually abuse, terrorise, beat, intimidate, make the lives of young children hell for ten years. He has damaged them for life. These children are my brothers and sisters, if you will.

All in the name of God, luring them into watching pornography after evening prayers, and sexually exploiting them. All the while this man you have made into a "tutor" has been telling lies with the same graceful, smear-like smear as you. He obviously learned from someone. I have seen the video footage of a TV programme featuring your paedophile. It's stomach-churning.

This two-faced, hypocritical, pharisaical hypocrisy, which results in the most heinous and despicable crimes being committed against innocent, vulnerable children, is unacceptable and inexcusable. You use them to make money and glory. They are like circus animals.

These vulnerable, helpless, unsupported children have entrusted themselves to you. Most of all you. And you have abused this naive, pure, unconditional trust in the most despicable way by failing to ensure the safety and protection of these children.

It is disgusting the way you walk over these children as if nothing had happened, and over those who have been abused by other paedophiles under your leadership and have not yet dared to tell. Because Dear Szabolcs was not the only paedophile in your administration who could rape vulnerable children without interference, and I have it on good authority that you know that.

If it had not been for an outside psychologist, who was very gently approached by one of the children, who took this seriously and came to his heels, you would never have gone to the police to report him, but would still be defending him to this day. The paedophile criminal could rape and beat young children to this day. I am therefore deeply outraged by your cynicism in the way you have handled what has happened.

You should be weeping and sobbing for forgiveness, above all for the children who, because of your negligence, irresponsibility and total incompetence, and let's say unlovingness, have been abused, sexually exploited, defiled, raped and even beaten, as in the orphanages in Dickensian. Instead, you are organising a propaganda event, which you have great practice in, where everyone is taught how to behave. This means that you are continuing with the same disgraceful hypocrisy, the 'peasant blindness' that you have been practising, and of which dozens of children are victims. As if nothing had happened. It is simply astounding.

You are inviting me, an investigative journalist, to learn through this disgusting window dressing the 'truth' that you are presenting to the people you make look like complete fools. If I go there one day, I will not watch what you put in front of me, I will pick out a paedophile or two. I find it outrageous that, for a 'Christian' priest, you have not apologised for what has happened, but instead you are self-pitying and claiming your own merits. After ten years of brutally beating, sexually exploiting and raping children, there is no merit, Mr Böjte, only shame and disgrace.

And if you were a decent man, if you were to flout the human standards of the atheist sinful pagan world, you would resign right now, apologise and retire. You would immediately hand over this politically motivated, non-compliant, unloving, cruel, inhumane children's institution, child trafficking, which you use to make money, for your own glory and to glorify a fascist dictatorship (not to mention the real estate business behind it), to competent, responsible, decent people. There are many children's homes, but all anyone knows about are your children's homes. Presumably they look after children in the ones that no one knows about, they just do their job in a prepared, decent and humane way.

If only you had a bit of compassion for these children (I'm not talking about love, because there is none in this amateurish, amateurish, irresponsible and scandalous mess), you would.

But what do we expect from a man who, in the Transindex, called children who have been sexually abused 'rotten apples' and cannot get rid of their problems. As he said, "rotten apples" are no good, they are "made into brandy". You blame the victims who have been raped because of you, and then you cynically call them rejects. What shameless meanness is it to speak of vulnerable, humiliated, raped, sexually exploited children in this way? What kind of person is that? What kind of filthy hypocrisy and hypocrisy is it to be so inhuman and heartless and then preach love with a straight face, selling tens of thousands of his lying books, written with spouting hypocrisy and dripping with spittle?

Do you not feel what a disgusting, repulsive abomination this is? After what has happened, do you have the nerve to call people in and expose children to lying, hypocrisy and smiles again? To have their picture taken with the gifts, the clothes, the chocolates they receive, which are then taken from them and put in storage, and the goods stolen? Do you have a heart, Böjte? How dare you do this to children? Of course, when you organise a lying propaganda stunt aimed at undermining, trashing and nullifying the sexual abuse of dozens of children, you do not forget the point, which is to raise money. It is disgusting. They tell a lie and the duped guests have to pay. Clever.

But what kind of love is there in a man who tours America with anti-Semites, Nazis with coats of arms, and takes photos with the gypsy-hating and gypsy-killing Hungarian Guard? A man who doesn't turn the children entrusted to him into teachers, librarians and fine artists, according to their talents and interests, but who boxes them, beats their heads in and teaches them that 'there are no development teachers and psychologists in the ring, you are there with your two fists. You either defend yourself or you get knocked out."
In which Bible did you read this philosophy of life, Böjte? Moses was the meekest man in the world when he became the saviour of his people. The Bible says that meekness breaks bones. The meek shall inherit the earth. Jesus taught that if they take your outer garment, give them your under garment. He didn't tell you to punch him in the face. The apostle Paul said my strength is made by weakness, when I am weakest, I am strongest. Do you understand these words, Mr Goethe, do you know what they mean?

Are you aware of the difference between the kingdom of God and the laws and ways of the world? Do you teach the poor, helpless children to fight in the robes of St Francis? Is he founding a boxing academy named after St Francis? Is he normal? Is he sane? Beating the heads off little children in the name of the bird-talking, gentle St Francis? Mr Böjte, you are a criminal who should be arrested immediately and banned from working with children forever.

Let us not remain silent about the fact that not only in the ring, but also in the child-torture institution that you run, there are no developmental teachers and psychologists - whom you seem to despise. Your whole mess is like a ring for children, without even the need for boxing gloves. The difference is that at least in the ring there are rules, but outside the ring, in the Böjte reserve, children are beaten, their hands broken, sexually assaulted without gloves, with bare fists, which cannot happen in the ring. Your filthy institutional system is such, Böjte, that children long for the ring, where they can only be beaten silly with boxing gloves, subject to certain rules.

Finally, let me mention the most disgusting comment that says it all about you. You said that the paedophile who raped the children was convicted by the 'Romanians'. In doing so, you gave the impression that the paedophile was convicted not because he is a criminal, but because he is Hungarian. In this way he relativised the crimes committed against children. You have excused the perpetrator, who, thanks to you, was free to commit crimes against young children, and you have made him into a heroic patriot, condemned by the Romanians. This is your patriotism, your 'national feeling', this is what you use your professional 'Hungarianism' for, to cover up paedophilia and other crimes.

How will anyone who thinks like this protect children from the next paedophile doing the same? You cannot be trusted with children because you are a public menace. That is not saving children, it is endangering children. You have to get the children out of there. I therefore call on you to leave the children alone, to stop this inglorious activity, not to use them for nefarious political purposes, for self-aggrandisement, because it is better that they are on the streets. Leave, Mr Böjte, close down your foundation or hand it over to decent people, real professionals. Even Romanians.

I would like to make it clear once again that where children are abused, even one child, there is no merit. A decent person does not refer to such things. It is no excuse that not all the children who have been admitted to Deva have been raped. There is no margin for error here. You cannot claim how many children were not found to have suffered harm. This is not a way of minimising or relativising what happened, and anyone who tries to do this is not humanly fit to run such an institution.

I find it outrageous and I reject the use of orphans and children in difficult circumstances for the political ends of a far-right party called Fidesz. This is the same kind of child abuse that your paedophile colleague has committed. Take your filthy hands off the children, hand their homes over to a proper professional organisation that will responsibly help these crippled children whom you are 'educating' with untrained, unprepared, incompetent, often alcoholic and paedophile sadists, barbaric idiots. Resign, take off your priestly robes and retire, get out. Atone for the rest of your life for the sins you have committed against children.

The idol has fallen, Mr Böjte. You were the poster boy, the symbol, the idol of a lying and hypocritical political course, and the nature of that lying, hypocritical course has been exposed along with you. You and your fascist comrades have nothing to do with Christianity, your actions are blasphemous. It is people like you who make people hate God. You have only to do with deceit, hypocrisy, theft, lying and fascism. Together with Viktor Orbán, your political mentor, the dictator of Hungary.
The leader of a paedophile murderer should not talk about "Szekler hospitality", because the Szeklers have nothing to do with the filth you are doing there. And I don't want the "hospitality" of child abusers.

And don't invite me to your boxing training, because I will put on a glove and punch you so hard in your hypocritical, sanctimonious, hypocritical and lying face that you will never see such a knockout in the St. Francis Boxing Academy, and Muhammad Ali would be overwhelmed with yellow envy if he were alive. You may sense from my letter that I have no problem looking you in the eye. And the fact that you dare to look anyone in the eye without shame says everything about your lack of conscience. This is not adult behaviour, it is immoral characterlessness. The children you and your people have abused have more moral sense than you do.

Please don't call me by my first name, we're not friends. My friends are the children you torment, beat, sometimes starve, feed with rotten food, take donations from after the photo shoot and rape after the prayer of reverence at the end. I sympathise with them, my heart is with them, my heart cries for them, I belong to them. I have nothing to do with you.