Vaccines to protect against infectious diseases could have been a blessing for humanity, but it is clear today that this scientific discovery has been turned from a blessing into a curse by the economic elite behind the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the political groups that serve it, in a decades-long and now culminating genocidal project that is forcing a specific anti-human and anti-God change on earth civilization, which is bent on the destruction of humanity.
The fake pandemic of COVID19 was the big attraction of this satanic project, which, despite all its horror, has hopefully opened people's eyes to the fact that, according to the projects that have desecrated medicine, the grace and sanctity of healing, "vaccines" are now nothing more than experiments used for genocide.
However, before the dubious and specialised mRNA COVID injections, which were disguised as vaccines, were forced on people, there were already experiments with vaccines.
And the same mass murdering team led and introduced those vaccination campaigns around the world as are now leading the COVID atrocity.
Just remember the HPV vaccine propaganda that has been going on for years, where they want to vaccinate little girls and boys as young as 6 years old with something called the HPV vaccine, which is supposed to prevent cervical cancer.
In comparison, it soon became apparent that after the HPV vaccines were administered, there was an explosion in the number of cervical cancer cases and, lo and behold, the highest death rates among adult women who received the vaccine were among those who died.
What side effects the drug, called HPV vaccine or whatever, might produce years or decades down the line is unknown, but one thing is certain, according to the leading researchers who have been testing HPV vaccines, the whole vaccination campaign is designed to STERILIZE the next generation.
in the following compilation of articles from medical journals and investigative portals, leading researchers have awakened their conscience and admitted that the primary purpose of the HPV vaccine was not to prevent cancer.
When you consider that this vaccine was being pushed in schools all over the EU, with special EU projects set up for this purpose, it is not hard to guess that the genocidal mafia wanted to castrate the children of European 'Christian white men' in time to prevent further population growth. And this satanic, murderous manoeuvre involved our eminent politicians, school leaders, doctors, the whole bunch, who under the COVID terror showed without a mask that they were worthy of an impromptu court martial!
The author of this article notes, in relation to the Romanian cases, that shockingly, the politicians who supposedly represent Hungarians in Transylvania and the teachers who serve them have done everything possible to brainwash parents in schools about the alleged HPV vaccine.
It is another matter that in Romania this vaccination campaign also failed and had to be stopped, because people (mostly Romanian majority people) did not expose their daughters, but also their sons, to the vaccine.
It is worth noting that in the Transylvanian Hungarian circles, the politicians and teachers recruited were much more aggressive and vile in their HPV vaccine propaganda than the Romanians.
The same people who later became big COVID sawyers and vaccine promoters.
And at the same time, let us not forget that the COVID dress rehearsal, the H1N1 bird flu hoax, was also carried out in front of their eyes, only then there were obviously not so many WEF slave politicians in the parliaments of the states. As happened in 2020 when COVID hell broke loose on Earth. Which had nothing to do with any virus, as it has been proven that the so-called SARS-cov 2 virus was never officially identified, isolated, so the whole COVID pandemic was a series of lies designed to kill people.
Let's see:
The HPV vaccine Gardasil lawsuit
Our attorneys in all 50 states are reviewing Gardasil vaccine lawsuits for victims who had side effects from the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Deaths and injuries have been linked to this vaccine.
This page will help you better understand whether you wish to file a Gardasil lawsuit and whether you may have a viable claim for settlement damages or jury payment. This is a new lawsuit, and our attorneys will update this page regularly (last updated August 5, 2022) to provide the latest news and updates on the Gardasil HPV lawsuit.
Gardasil HPV Class Action Lawsuit (updated August 2022)
On Thursday, August 4, 2022, JPML filed a motion to consolidate the Gardasil HPV vaccine lawsuits into a new class action MDL. The new class action - In re: Gardasil Prod. Liab. Lit., MDL No. 3036 - was assigned to Judge Robert Conrad Jr. in the Western District of North Carolina.
In granting the motion and forming the new MDL, the JPML rejected defendant Merck's arguments that consolidation of the MDL would conflict with the Vaccine Act and lead to vaccine hesitancy.
Gardasil HPV Class Action Lawsuit (July 2022 update)
The MDL Panel will hear arguments on whether the Gardasil vaccine lawsuits should be consolidated into an MDL class action lawsuit. The plaintiffs are seeking consolidation in federal court in Arizona or Wisconsin. Merck opposes the class action because it believes these cases should go to the vaccine court.
The MDL Panel hearing is set for July 28, 2022.
Gardasil HPV Class Action Lawsuit (June 2022 update)
In a big development, HPV vaccine lawyers have filed a motion in federal court for a group of victims in the MDL HPV class action lawsuit over the long-term side effects caused by the Gardasil vaccine. Specifically, the allegations that Merck failed to adequately warn about dangerous side effects such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), autoimmune diseases, neurological injuries and other serious complications. The motion identified 34 pending Gardasil cases in 25 different federal districts.
The number of HPV vaccine-related lawsuits will grow exponentially as more and more people learn about the serious, long-term side effects Merck's HPV vaccines have caused in lawsuits. There are currently 91 additional Gardasil cases pending in the Vaccine Court in the US Court of Appeals. These HPV lawsuits will be converted into traditional tort cases once the vaccination process is completed.
The Gardasil HPV vaccine lawsuits all allege that the HPV vaccine caused patients to develop autoimmune diseases and other neurological conditions. The plaintiffs accuse Merck of failing to properly research and test the HPV vaccine before aggressively marketing it.
Gardasil HPV vaccine lawsuits
Gardasil® is a vaccine developed by Merck & Co. to prevent HPV ( human papillomavirus ) . Merck obtained approval for Gardasil in 2006 through deceptive research trials that overstated the vaccine's benefits and significantly understated the vaccine's risks and side effects. Merck aggressively marketed Gardasil using scare tactics, false advertising and political lobbying to persuade millions of parents to vaccinate their adolescent daughters with Gardasil.
Now, thousands of girls who have received the Gardasil vaccine are experiencing serious adverse health consequences and hundreds have died as a result of complications caused by the vaccine. Our company is currently looking for new Gardasil cases. If you have received the Gardasil vaccine against HPV and have subsequently experienced side effects, complications or other adverse health events related to the vaccine, call us today at 800-553-8082 for a free consultation to discuss what a Gardasil lawsuit can do for you.
Gardasil vaccine approvalGardasil is a vaccine that is supposed to protect against HPV ( human papillomavirus ). HPV is a very common viral infection that is spread through skin contact. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease and the majority of people will get HPV at some point in their lives. Most HPV cases are completely benign, but if left untreated, a very small percentage of HPV cases in women can develop into cervical cancer.
Merck received accelerated FDA approval for Gardasil in June 2006. At the time, Merck was still reeling from the billions of dollars in losses it had incurred after being forced to withdraw its drug Vioxx from the market. Within Merck, Gardasil was the 'holy grail' to help the company make up for the loss of revenue from Vioxx. Merk executives often said that "HPV" stood for "Help Pay for Vioxx".
During the fast-track approval process, Merck concealed material facts about the efficacy (or lack thereof) and safety of Gardasil. Merck did not conduct complete and adequate medical examinations and studies at the pre-approval or post-approval stage. The clinical studies conducted by Merck did not even investigate the cancer preventive ability of Gardasil, but only analysed whether Gardasil could prevent potential precursor conditions. Merck then presented misleading data suggesting that these 'precursor conditions' are inevitably cancer-causing.
Merck's deceptive marketing campaign to push GardasilBoth before and after the approval of Gardasil, Merck used unscrupulous marketing tactics to overstate the risks associated with HPV and the alleged efficacy of Gardasil to scare the public into mass vaccination with the Gardasil vaccine.
Prior to Gardasil, there was no HPV public health emergency in the United States and few women had heard of HPV, so there was little or no demand for the HPV vaccine. To ensure the financial success of the new "holy grail," Merk preceded the launch of Gardasil with years of expensive HPV "disease awareness" marketing.
After Gardasil was approved for pre-teen girls, Merck launched an aggressive propaganda campaign to discourage and guilt parents who had not vaccinated their daughters with Gardasil. Merk's campaign implied that "good parents" vaccinate their children with Gardasil.
In these aggressive marketing efforts, Merck fraudulently concealed the known risks and dangers of the HPV vaccine while exaggerating its effectiveness. Merck has marketed Gardasil with the most aggressive vaccine advertising campaign ever, and has spent more on advertising Gardasil than any previous vaccine advertising campaign.
Merck's political lobbying to make Gardasil mandatoryIn addition to its aggressive advertising campaign, Merck also used political lobbyists and financial incentives to get the state legislature to make the Gardasil vaccine mandatory for all school children. Beginning in 2004, Merck pumped millions into political lobbying organizations such as Women in Government and NACCHO . These organizations then aggressively lobbied state legislators to make the Gardasil vaccine mandatory for all 6th grade girls.
Merck supplemented these paid lobbyists with contributions to political campaigns and millions of dollars in direct funding to state health departments. Between 2012 and 2018, Merck directly transferred $92 million to the Maryland Department of Health to promote the Gardasil vaccine in public schools. This funding essentially paid school officials to deceive students and parents into believing that the Gardasil vaccine was mandatory.
Merck misrepresented Gardasil's effectivenessIn an effort to convince regulators and public health officials to adopt Gardasil, the Gardasil lawsuits allege that Merck misrepresented the vaccine's effectiveness by falsely advertising that Gardasil prevents cervical cancer. No credible study has shown that Gardasil prevents cervical cancer.
Merck did not want to invest the time or money to conduct studies that would prove that its vaccine prevents cervical cancer. Instead, Merck persuaded regulators to allow it to use "surrogate endpoints" to show that HPV vaccines were effective in preventing cervical cancer. The use of these surrogate endpoints allowed Merck to shorten the duration of clinical trials by a few years and obtain regulatory approvals for the vaccines without any evidence that the vaccines would prevent cancer in the long term.
In January 2020, a UK study raised significant doubts about whether the Gardasil vaccine prevented cervical cancer, as Merck claims. The study highlights the fact that Gardasil has never been proven to prevent cervical cancer (or any other type of cancer).
Contrary to Merck's claims, Gardasil may increase the risk of cervical cancer and other cancers, not prevent them. A number of studies (including one by the CDC, which has so far stuck by the vaccine) have found that by suppressing certain strains of HPV, Gardasil vaccines can promote mutagenic changes in the virus that can lead to cancer.
Public health data support the conclusion that Gardasil may increase cervical cancer rates. After the introduction of HPV vaccination in the UK, the rate of cervical cancer in young women aged 25-29 increased by 54%.
In Australia, 13 years after Gardasil was released and forced on teenagers, there was a 16% increase in women aged 25-29 and a 30% increase in women aged 30-34. Meanwhile, the proportion of older women (who have not been vaccinated) is falling.
In other words, Gardasil may increase the risk of cancer. This will be the crux of the lawsuit for some of the victims who file a lawsuit over the Gardasil vaccine. But there is still some research to be done on this topic. For most women who sue for long-term side effects and autoimmune diseases from Gardasil, the focus will not be on whether Gardasil helps prevent cervical cancer, but on the other side effects Gardasil may cause, which most girls did not expect when they took the HPV vaccine
Gardasil HPV side effects, long term and autoimmune diseasesRecent scientific research has shown that Gardasil triggers and increases the risk of a number of long-term side effects associated with autoimmune diseases. More specifically, Gardasil is associated with the following autoimmune diseases:
- Guillain-Barré syndrome
- Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
- Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
- Multiple sclerosis
Gardasil has also been associated with a number of long-term side effects associated with induced autoimmune disease, including risks such as fibromyalgia, dysautonomia, premature ovarian failure, chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic regional pain syndrome. migraine, severe headache, persistent gastrointestinal discomfort, widespread neuropathic pain, encephalitis syndrome, autonomic dysfunction, joint pain and brain fog.
Numerous published medical journal articles discuss the association between Gardasil and a number of serious injuries, and have reported patients who developed symptoms of POTS, OI, fibromyalgia and other autonomic impairments years after Gardasil vaccination.
Recent evidence linking Gardasil to various autoimmune diseases and other medical conditions has led some to file Gardasil product liability lawsuits against Merck. These Gardasil lawsuits are filed by women who have developed autoimmune disease and other serious medical conditions such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
The Gardasil lawsuits accuse Merck of fraudulently concealing evidence of Gardasil's health risks while falsely promoting Gardasil as a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. The claims against Merck in the Gardasil lawsuit include traditional product liability claims such as failure to warn, manufacturing defect and negligence. The Gardasil class action also includes fraud claims. These are less common in product liability lawsuits, underscoring how strong Gardasil's lawyers feel Merck's conduct is.
Few Gardasil lawyers are demanding a Gardasil recall, and this is important to understand in order to understand what the Gardasil lawsuit is seeking. It is not that Gardasil is unreasonable for everyone. Patients, doctors and parents should have been given accurate information about the benefits and side effects of Gardasil.
Our firm is currently seeking new Gardasil cases from anyone who received the Gardasil vaccine and was subsequently diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, such as autoimmune disease and other serious medical conditions (such as POTS) or any of the following related conditions:
Guillain-Barré syndrome Orthostatic intolerance
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
Systemic lupus erythematosus Multiple sclerosis
Autoimmune pancreatitis Autoimmune hepatitis
Fibromyalgia Premature ovarian failure
Chronic regional pain syndrome
The Gardasil lawsuit and vaccine law
In March 2022, a Nevada federal judge dismissed the Gardasil lawsuit on the grounds that the Vaccine Act "partially" preempted it. The Vaccine Act is a federal law that prohibits design defects and failure to warn claims against vaccine manufacturers, but allows claims of negligence.
In Flores v. Merck & Co., the plaintiff in Gardasil's lawsuit alleges that after receiving the Gardasil HPV vaccine, her body was broken. He suffered dizziness, fatigue and nausea, and these symptoms gradually worsened over time.
Merck filed a motion to dismiss under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA)? What is the Vaccine Injury Act? The Vaccine Injury Act is a law passed in 1986 that created a no-fault compensation program for vaccine injuries to children.
The court agreed with Merck that the plaintiff's negligence claim was in fact a "poorly disguised" design defect action and therefore barred by the Vaccine Act. The court also found that the failure to warn, as set forth in the plaintiff's Gardasil claim, was prohibited by the Vaccine Act and had to be dismissed.
Although the judge ultimately dismissed all of the plaintiff's claims, the majority of the dismissals were "without prejudice," meaning that the plaintiff has the option to "replead" by rewriting his complaint and filing an amended complaint.
So this Gardasil lawsuit is not dead. However, the amended complaint should make clear that the negligence claim is not a design defect claim. As to the failure to warn, the amended complaint should simply clarify the allegations that Merck failed to warn plaintiff's health care providers of the specific risks associated with the Gardasil vaccine. An amended complaint was filed. And yes, Merck has filed a new motion to dismiss.
However, the vaccine law poses a problem for those who want to start a Gardasil lawsuit. All Gardasil lawyers need to find a way around the law. Otherwise, a Gardasil lawsuit will be prevented and force the victim to seek compensation through the National Shock Injury Compensation Program. The compensation awarded for such claims will be far less than what a jury would award in a civil suit if they believed the victim's complaint.
Contact us about your Gardasil HPV vaccine lawsuit
Gardasil was accelerated as a result of a study involving 1,200 girls under the age of 16 before it was generally recommended for all girls aged 11-12. No studies have examined the vaccine's impact on children with pre-existing health problems or its use in combination with other vaccines routinely administered to U.S. adolescents. A similar vaccine, Cervarix, licensed in the US in 2009, has been studied for less than six years in fewer than 1200 healthy girls under 15.
In the first year of marketing Gardasil, Merck spent $100 million to promote its HPV vaccine.
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that by 2017, 71% of adolescent girls had received more than one dose of HPV vaccine, and coverage for all adolescents was 68%.
However, the ACS estimated an increase in cervical cancer in 2018 - 13,240 cases and 4,170 deaths - despite the stated goal of vaccines to reduce cervical cancer. This represents a significant increase in the number of cervical cancer cases in the US after 12 years of HPV vaccine use.
A critical thinker might think that there are 40 different strains of HPV. Almost all sexually active people become infected at some point, and the immune system can almost always cope. But Gardasil only targets HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18. Cervarix targets types 16 and 18. Types 16 and 18 have been associated with some cases of cervical cancer, but these are rare types of HPV. Type 16 was present in only 1.5% of cases and type 18 in only 0.8%. HPV types 52, 62 and 84 are the most common, and none of these are currently contraindicated by vaccines. Types 6 and 11 are warts.
According to the National Cancer Institute, only 0.68% of women will ever be diagnosed with cervical cancer, and one-third of these will die from it. The rare HPV types 16 and 18 do not cause the majority of cancers. There are many other factors, including genetic predisposition.
The rationale for the ACS's 80% HPV vaccine coverage target is based on the number of reported cancers and cancer deaths associated with chronic HPV infection in the United States. The ACS has an aggressive goal to give every child in the US - boys and girls alike - two doses of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine by 2026.
To achieve coverage, an additional 14 million teenage children will need to complete the two-dose series, for a total of 57.62 million doses above the number of vaccines administered to date. How will this be achieved? By disinformation, fear and guilt, of course.
The HPV vaccine is one of the most expensive vaccines on the CDC's list of recommended childhood vaccines, costing between $168 and $204 per dose, and Merck is the sole manufacturer of the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) in the United States. It is paid for by Obamacare. taxpayers), thus raising the cost of insurance for the system.
The drug response to the HPV vaccine is easily the highest of the series.
In the United States, more than 58,000 adverse reactions, including 427 deaths, have been reported following administration of the HPV vaccine. What makes these figures even more shocking is the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) estimate that less than 1% of all vaccine-related adverse events were reported.
Part of the problem is that many doctors are unaware that there is a government system for reporting adverse events. This is called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). For those who are aware and do report, the system is complicated and time consuming to use. Another barrier to adverse event reporting is that doctors are "taught" in medical school that vaccines are so safe and are told that they can never encounter a vaccine reaction in their entire career.
A 2016 study in Canada showed that vaccine-induced injuries are underreported. The study looked at data from more than 195,000 girls who had received the HPV vaccine. Within 42 days of HPV vaccination, nearly 22,000 girls were seen in emergency rooms (n=19,351) or hospitalized (n=958). However, only 198 adverse events were reported.
HPV vaccine-associated injuries include (but are not limited to) muscle pain and weakness; encephalopathy (inflammation of the brain); rheumatoid arthritis; Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS); multiple sclerosis; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); lupus; ED; chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS); primary ovarian failure (POV); stroke; seizures; facial paralysis; and sudden cardiac death. Tragically, many adolescents are accused of 'faking' their illnesses to death.
Primary ovarian failure trade for rare cervical cancer prevention:
pHarma is not backing down from this vaccine. In fact, they are doubling down. Yes, middle-aged men are on the Harma Mafia's radar.
Gardasil vaccine lead researcher makes shocking statement on the dangers of HPV vaccines
30 October 2009
Dr Diane Harper, lead researcher in the development of two human papillomavirus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, said the controversial drugs did little to reduce cervical cancer rates and although they were recommended for girls as young as nine, no efficacy trials had been carried out in children under 15.
Dr. Harper, director of the University of Missouri's Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Research Group, made these comments at the 4th International Public Conference on Immunization, which took place in Reston, Virginia, October 2-4. Although his presentation was aimed at promoting the vaccine, participants said they were convinced that the vaccine should not be given.
"I came away from the talk with the understanding that the risk of adverse side effects is much greater than the risk of cervical cancer, and I couldn't help wondering why we need the vaccine at all," said Joan Robinson, deputy editor. at the Population Research Institute.
Dr. Harper began her comments by explaining that 70 percent of all HPV infections resolve within a year without treatment. Within two years, that number climbs to 90 percent. Of the remaining 10 percent, only half of HPV infections develop into cervical cancer, making vaccination unnecessary.
He then surprised the audience by saying that the incidence of cervical cancer in the United States is already so low that "even if we get the vaccine and continue PAP screening, we will not reduce the rate of cervical cancer in the United States".
Cervical cancer will not decline until at least 70 percent of the population has been vaccinated, and even then the decline will be minimal.
Conventional treatment and preventive measures already appear to be reducing cervical cancer rates by four percent per year. At this rate, there will be a 91.4 per cent drop in 60 years with current treatment alone. Even if 70 per cent of women get the vaccine and the necessary booster in the same amount of time, which is highly unlikely, Harper says Gardasil still can't claim to do as much as conventional care.
Dr Harper, who also serves as an adviser to the World Health Organisation, further undermined the case for mass vaccination by saying that "four out of five women with cervical cancer live in developing countries".
Ms Robinson said she could not help wondering: 'If that's the case, why vaccinate at all? But it was clear from the murmurings of the doctors in the audience that they too had the same thought.
However, at this point, Dr Harper dropped an even bigger bombshell on the audience when he announced, "No efficacy trials have been done on girls under 15."
Merck, the maker of Gardasil, has only studied a small group of girls under 16 who were vaccinated but not followed long enough to determine the presence of enough effective HPV antibodies.
This is not the first time Dr. Harper has revealed the fact that Merck has never tested the safety of Gardasil on young girls. In a 2007 interview with KPC, he said that giving the vaccine to 11-year-old girls was "a great big public health experiment".
At the time, when Merck's controversial effort was to make vaccination mandatory in schools, Dr. Harper was adamantly opposed to the idea and said he had spent months trying to convince the major television and print press of his concerns. but no one would print it."
"It's silly to make vaccination compulsory for 11-12 year old girls," he said at the time. "There is not enough evidence of side effects to know that safety is not an issue."
Asked why he was speaking out, he said, "I like to sleep with myself when I go to bed at night."
Since the drug was introduced in 2006, the public has learned many of these facts the hard way. So far, 15,037 girls have formally reported adverse reactions to Gardasil to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). These adverse reactions include Guilliane Barre, lupus, seizures, paralysis, blood clots, encephalitis and many others. The CDC admits that 44 deaths have been reported.
Dr. Harper was also involved in research on Glaxo-Smith-Kline's version of the drug, Cervarix, which is currently used in the UK but not yet approved here. Since the government started administering the vaccine to school-age girls last year, more than 2,000 patients have reported some side effects, including nausea, dizziness, blurred vision, convulsions, seizures and hyperventilation. Several reported multiple reactions, with a total of 4602 suspected adverse reactions. The most tragic case was that of a 14-year-old girl who fell dead in the corridor of her school an hour after receiving the vaccine.
The outspoken researcher also weighed in last month on a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association that raised questions about the safety of the vaccine, stating bluntly: 'The rate of serious adverse events is higher than the incidence of cervical cancer. "
Ms. Robinson said she respects Dr. Harper's honesty. "I think he is a scientist, a researcher, and an honest enough scientist to speak openly about the risks. I respect that about him."
However, he failed to make the case for Gardasil. "For me, it was hard to resist the conclusion that Gardasil does almost nothing for the health of American women."
VIDEO: Misleading, actor-led, vile and manipulative video about the supposed benefits of the HPV vaccine. Not a word about the serious side effects.