How far has the Great Reset already dug its blood-soaked claws into modern civilisation? Signs of sabotage are numerous and widespread as the vultures of the Great Reset's tyranny circle around a sick and angry population preparing for mass starvation in the near future.
French President Emmanuel Macron's country has been inundated by the self-proclaimed United Nations surrogate migration, regardless of what the propaganda denying its existence would have you believe. Macron is now priming the pump for an energy crisis and food shortages, while the WEF is once again tightening the noose around the neck of the French people.
Disgraced California Governor Gavin Newsom has spoken the quiet part out loud. He is moving California towards a zero emissions target for 2035 and will put 30% of California motorists - 14 million people - in electric vehicles within 4 years. Currently, roughly one million people drive electric vehicles in the Golden State of Liberal Madness.
Meanwhile, Biden clumsily continues the UN's Agenda 2030 narrative. Claiming that millions of Americans are fascists. Meanwhile, Biden himself has blazed an unprecedented trail of burning down our constitutional republic and attacking families.
It is not only the goals of globalist psychopaths that are harmful to humanity. They are unattainable fantasies driven by the madness of the elite. A senseless madness that we must all endure in varying degrees as the sabotage of human civilization lurches further from the darkness.