Boris Johnson, the man who helped start the war in Ukraine, and his boss Lord Jacob Rothschild

By 1864 the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel had concentrated the world's wealth in their hands. Western imperialism (e.g. Ukraine) was just a cover for the central banking cartel's plan to control all the world's wealth.


"This London money power is the only major, prominent imperialism that exists on earth".

According to L.B. Woolfolk's The Red Dragon, published in 1889, British (and American) imperialism stems from the desire of the Jewish bankers and their Masonic flunkies to convert money created out of nothing (through their control of credit) into real wealth, i.e. world property.


When these bankers seized the credit monopoly in England in 1694, they became a monster that has now hijacked humanity.

The London-based banking cartel has literally annexed the planet and will not be satisfied until it owns everything and subjugates humanity, if not physically, then mentally and spiritually. In a nutshell, this is the New World Order. This attack on Russia is the background to the war in Ukraine.


The Russian Security Council deputy secretary, Mr Medvedev, said yesterday that it was the "dirty dream of the Anglo-Saxon perverts" to "paralyse" the occupying nation (Russia) by the war in Ukraine.


Today, Zionist imperialism declares the bankers' plan for "world government" through the destruction of religion, nation, race and family. This imperialism does not express the interests or the wishes of the ordinary British, American or Jewish people, who have themselves been colonised.