Dear Reader!


The authors of the following article have asked us not to reveal their identity. We respect their wishes, because the content of their submission is more important than their identity. For the main faces and spokesmen of the New World Order, or the Great Restart, are already open about their desire to deprive humanity of its private property - although they obviously do not also say that they want to increase their own wealth by the same amount. So far, we have at least been able to rejoice in the fact that Hungary is more or less trying to resist global trends. There have been times when this has almost failed (see e.g. the silicon craze), and other times when it has worked better (see e.g. the Russian-Ukrainian war, protecting our children...). The following analysis of a draft law in the pipeline, according to the authors, proves that Hungary is also preparing to fall in line with the globalists' property-robbing ambitions. It is difficult to imagine a greater threat to our freedom and the exercise of our liberties. Therefore, we respectfully ask our readers that those who see a similarly great danger in the finalisation and implementation of the draft law, should whistle as loudly as they can.


In Hungary, roughly half of the population, four and a half million people, live in condominiums.


If the legislation currently planned by the legislator ( were to be implemented, we believe it could lead to a social disaster.


The Act XCII of 2021 on the Registration of Legal Persons and the Registration Procedure (entry into force according to § 154: 1 July 2023) defines condominiums as legal persons (§ 2, § 2 (4) paragraph 11, § 101 (2) paragraph 102 (1)).


Glossary of the Legal Dictionary (CompLex Publishing Legal and Business Content Services Ltd., Budapest, 2009) - definition of legal person:


"... A legal person is an organisational legal entity: an entity which the State confers on it subject rights and obligations in order to achieve its objectives, which include action in property transactions. ... The essential characteristic of a legal person is its relative independence from the founder and the fact that it must have some presence in economic transactions and some independent property liability for its own legal acts. ... A legal person engages in property transactions in its own name. ... In the majority of legal persons of the merger type, several persons pool their assets and create a legal person by means of a joint deed. ..."


(Highlighting the parts that make the legislator's approach wrong - or biased - in the case of Act XCII of 2021, which has not yet entered into force, and the new law on condominiums, which is currently being prepared.)


Presumable phases of the process:


declaration of the condominium as a legal entity by law (banker's interest),

the creation of the legal entity condominium by deed, the definitive, irrevocable taking and transfer of the existing condominium assets of the co-owners to the legal entity condominium (which can no longer be recovered by the existing owners!),

the creation of a legal person condominium, largely independent of the owners, for independent participation in the property market, and the establishment of the bank's debtability of the legal person condominium by means of loan disbursement for the purpose of compliance with the EU climate requirements (renovation) (from THT newsletter:,

making the condominium bankable,

establishing the insolvency of the condominium, recovering its debts to the bank through enforcement proceedings,

evicting the owners and other residents permanently from their former apartments, making them homeless - the Schadl case shows the 'culture' of the bailiffs (or nationalisation of the condominium), with the state being occupied by BlackRock people in the meantime - globalist ownership of condominium properties, with the existing owners possibly remaining as Schwabian "in-law" tenants on globalist terms - the declared restoration of ownership rights to the Holy Crown could be an obstacle).


All this is eerily reminiscent of the process whereby, in the interests of modernisation and capitalisation, the wealthless gentry (in our country by abolishing the law of primogeniture) were transformed into the nobility, and later into the still wealthy, e.g. From the serfs, by "serf liberation", and then from the remaining peasantry, by the destruction of peasant society, by the starvation of the land, they were turned into penniless urban workers and (mainly urban, but also rural) unemployed, exclusively for globalist bankers' interests.


The bottom line: to achieve the total degradation and total helplessness of society, i.e. total enslavement, now globally, in the interests of globalisation.


In the context of the "Great Reset", Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum, says: "You will have nothing and you will be happy." (Agenda 2030 objective. Even the editor of mainstream Sky News Australia is gasping and warning of the dangers of the Orwellian "Great Reset".)


The process of destitution in the western world is already in full swing, notoriously, for the time being "only" on the grounds of climate protection, threatening carbon taxes, forcing people into "smart cities" (see e.g. Australia, the Netherlands; in Germany e.g. Karlsruhe and Munich under the so-called Smart City Charter).


Obviously, they are extending the use of eminent domain to every single property (not just condominiums!) without exception, if they can.


With the new law on condominiums planned for autumn 2023 and the declaration of the condominium as a legal entity in the law on legal persons, we believe that this would be only "the opening" in Hungary at the moment.


If the law declaring the condominium as a legal entity were to enter into force (it has already been postponed, the new date is 1 July 2023), the state would be in conflict with the existing Fundamental Law, i.e. the society which and whose property it is obliged to protect by law (Fundamental Law, Article U, paragraph 1, point d), point g), Article V, Article XIII, Article V, Article XIII).


A separate issue is the relationship of Article 155 of the Act (the harmonisation clause) with the intention of the condominium to become a legal entity. In our view, this is further proof that there is not simply a Hungarian, but a clear globalist banker's interest (the EU is a declared supporter of globalism).


We note that in our view the legislation is already not concerned with the interests of the co-owners, as the largest lobbying organisation involved in the preparation of the legislation is already involved in the name of the co-owners' interests only, and the current text of Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure (CCP) no longer contains provisions on the litigable claims arising from co-ownership disputes. According to Article 5 of Government Decree 155/2015 (VI. 25.) on the procedural rules of the notary's supervision of the legality of condominiums, "The procedure may not be aimed at the control of the operation of the condominium from the point of view of economy or expediency."


Even Article 42 of the current Act CXXXIII of 2003 on Condominiums (Act) would not protect the interests of the co-owners, because if the law (Act) would declare that the condominium is a legal entity (with all the consequences!), then the violation of the law and the enforcement of the claims of the co-owners based on it would be conceptually excluded, i.e. the mass asset disposal, which is allowed by law, could be carried out in the framework of enforcement proceedings.


In our view, this could lead to an unforeseeable, very short and permanent social catastrophe. This would be compounded by the pennilisation based on the carbon tax.


In our view, it would be in the interests of globalist banker indebtedness to enable the condominium to participate in economic life and to transform it into a legal entity. If there were no such globalist banker demand, the current situation could remain, i.e. the condominium is not a legal entity but a community of owners, since it operates in everything.


We ask you to carry out extensive social awareness-raising activities in social media on this subject, to make it a subject of public debate as soon as possible and to initiate generally binding general meetings of condominium associations on this subject.


They should also initiate meetings on this subject among owners of family houses and seek opinions and suggestions from the private property sector, since they will be the next targets of private property disposal.



How condominium ownership is being outsourced - analysis of a draft law (