An overview of the atrocities committed against humanity by the globalist financial elite that control the WEF, WHO, UN, IMF, BIS and other organisations. From organised epidemics and wars to climate wars and mass mind control.



Evidence that pandemics are not natural phenomena, but meticulously orchestrated operations unleashed on humanity with the aim of reducing world population and increasing control over survivors.



The scientific data show that vaccines are greatly reducing the world's population. They also set in motion the process of transhumanism, by injecting substances that modify human DNA and spread nanotechnology in the human body.



Evidence of how important elections are strategically stolen around the world to put into office politicians by the globalist financial elite who serve an agenda of world domination.



Government documents and expert testimony show that climate change is a hoax to impose tyranny on humanity. In reality, the weather is heavily manipulated by governments.



Expert testimony reveals a plan to bring the world under the rule of a new, genetically engineered and technologically enhanced super-elite who will be more different from us than we are from chimpanzees.



The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will give tyrants total control over your finances by allowing them to track all transactions, restrict spending and even cancel your money. What is already happening with PayPal could become commonplace.


The award-winning documentary exposes the "cabal": an international network of super-criminals with astronomical wealth who use their unlimited financial resources to control the world and cause human suffering. But their downfall is imminent.



Shocking revelations from insiders from the world's biggest news media, who confess how they use the news to manipulate humanity and steer the public towards the agenda of the super-rich criminals who own the major news networks.



Eyewitness and survivor testimonies of how children are abused by high-ranking officials around the world. Children are used as commodities to 'pay their way' into high positions in government, law enforcement, finance, media and business.


High frequency communication networks are weapon systems that create viruses in the human body and transmit signals that deliver thoughts and emotions to the population. It is the ultimate method to completely terrorize humanity without most people knowing it.



The food industry has increasingly become a criminal activity aimed at weakening the world's population. Now they want to make humanity dependent on synthetic meat, GMO insects and forbid people to grow their own food or raise their own animals.



The LGBTQ+ agenda is infiltrating schools, entertainment, media and culture to indoctrinate children to destroy their sexual identity, ruining their lives and crippling society. The ultimate aim is to normalise child abuse and other serious perversions such as sex with animals.



Governments claim that taxes are used to build the country, but in reality, a large part of the tax base goes straight into the pockets of criminals who use it to fund their illegal operations. In the US, for example, the IRS is controlled by the Rothschilds.



Virtually all the images and footage published by NASA are computer generated, captured in green screen studios and photoshopped. The evidence shows that the space agencies shamelessly lie to the public in order to impose certain beliefs about the universe and the Earth on the public. What are they trying to hide from humanity?



Whilst Freemasonry claims to be a humanitarian sect, it is in fact Satanism in disguise, infiltrating every official sphere of our societies with the aim of spiritually blinding, binding and controlling all those in positions of influence.



The Church of Satan performs rituals including the abuse, torture and murder of babies and adults. It teaches people to serve the forces of evil. No country in the world has banned this cruel, dark religion. In fact, many government officials are members of this vile religion.



Hidden from humanity is an unfathomable wealth of free energy, advanced technology, ancient civilizations, spiritual wisdom, medical solutions, ancient races, astronomy and much more. Nothing we have learned about our past is accurate, as the most significant realities have been buried to prevent humanity from exploring these depths of abundance.