On Monday we have a new broadcast with Robert C. Castel from Budapest, and if you would like to ask him for a signing of his new book entitled Vertical Coffin - The Russian-Ukrainian War without Myths, please visit the following link: ? https://bit.ly/3VszjUC
As you have come to expect over the past two months, on Fridays we will be talking with security analyst Robert C. Castel about the most important geostrategic issues of today and tomorrow. Mr. Castel is away today on a flight to Budapest, so we are pleased to announce that we will be hosting him here in the Weeks studio on Monday morning. We will also be discussing his new book, entitled The Vertical Coffin - The Russo-Ukrainian War Without Myths. The book is currently available to pre-order, but the author has agreed to write book signings for Week readers, details of which can be found here in the description.
To request an autographed copy of Robert C. Castel's Vertical Coffin - The Russo-Ukrainian War Without Myths: ? https://bit.ly/3VszjUC
The last period has been almost unbelievably busy, with events occurring on a weekly, even daily basis, which have brought to the fore a calm, objective analysis of security policy. We have been assisted in this by several distinguished experts, including József Horváth, Gábor Stier, Bálint Somkuti, Tamás Fricz and Robert C. Castel. All of them have put the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on the changing world order and the various global crisis zones into a perspective that goes beyond the day-to-day events. I learned a lot from each of these talks. These interviews have been compiled into a separate playlist, which you can access here at the link in the description.
? Robert C. Castel analyses, interviews: https://bit.ly/3EsJxPa
? Podcast playlist on the Russia-Ukraine war: https://bit.ly/3u4o216
And, not to leave you without food for thought for the weekend, I have selected for you four excerpts from Robert C. Castel's interviews that were particularly memorable. I think it's worth recalling these analyses now, so that they may say even more, side by side, and have lost none of their relevance, and indeed have stood the test of time.
In one of our October broadcasts, we analysed the prospects for a new post-war world order on the basis of President Putin's speech at the Valdai Conference.

Then I asked Robert C. Castle to assess the performance of world leaders in the 9 months of war so far. In 15 minutes, I got a memorable series of mini-reports in response, including assessments of Putin, Zelensky, Biden, Macron, Scholz, the fast-changing British prime ministers, Erdogan, Xi, Pope Francis and EU leaders.

As the war intensified in early November, why are world leaders not seeking peace despite the huge losses? Do they really want to continue this proxy war to the last Ukrainian? Who holds the key to compromise? Who can stop this madness? After all, we know that after WWI and WWII, countries were divided up with the stroke of a pen. They were unjust peace dictates, but they guaranteed peace for decades. If Truman and Churchill could reach an agreement with Stalin, why can't we try to do the same today with Putin?

During the G-20 summit in Indonesia, the world was aghast at what later turned out to be Ukrainian missiles that landed in Poland. Fortunately, this emergency was quickly resolved, but the summit revealed that the international balance of power had changed profoundly and not exactly as North Atlantic leaders had imagined or would have liked.

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