- Details
- Written by root
- Category: Community
The site's social platform is a place to create your own group and page.
You can invite friends or simply publish materials.
You can also upload videos, audio materials and documents to the site.
Why is this place better for your stuff than Facebook or YouTube?
For the average user of platforms, rarely or not at all do they encounter censorship or disabling.
But as soon as we start posting or uploading sensitive topics, we will face the problem.
For example, all non-mainstream content related to covids will be ruthlessly removed from YouTube, and those who share material that does not comply with the site's terms of use will be censored on Facebook.
That brought our site to life.
We attach great importance to the right to free speech and the decision as to whether or not someone’s publication can be made public is in the hands of for-profit private companies.
This page will help you with that.
We would install to support topics with the site that are banned or not allowed on known social platforms.
If you have any questions, write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.