Robert C. Castel: The loss of Bahmut is a big blow for Ukraine, a new phase in the war begins
Topics for today's broadcast:
00:49 Action-reaction: the Belgorod diversionary action after the capture of Bahmut
04:56 Who carried out the Belgorod diversionary operation? Ukrainian gunmen, Russian citizens, neo-Nazis?
08:20 What is the balance of the battle of Bakhut, which lasted almost 9 months, from the Russian and Ukrainian points of view?
09:32 The Kremlin talks of a radioactive cloud, what is the purpose of psychological warfare?
10:50 Prigozhin's critical statements, what is his role as a lightning rod?
14:45 Should we prepare for a protracted war?
18:15 Has Ukraine's Western support weakened with the loss of Bakhmut and the expected counter-offensive? Why is President Zelensky travelling more and what happened to Chief of General Staff Zaluzhny?
20:15 Who can Zelensky count on most?
21:10 EU countries have given €65 billion in aid to Ukraine since the war broke out. And British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said today that Western allies are ready to support Ukraine for years. Do you have the public support for this?
23:45 Joe Biden has given the green light for the handover of F-16s. What does this mean in practice? Where are we going to get pilots who can not only fly the planes, but fight them?
26:36: How did the F-16 test outside NATO airspace?
30:24 What does the announcement of the 11th package of sanctions mean: that the first 10 worked well and should be continued, or that the shortcomings of the previous ones should be filled?
32:38 How will it affect Russia's combat capabilities, economy and living standards?
38:05 Global South. At the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Zelensky and his Western allies sought to engage neutral countries India and Brazil in supporting Ukraine. How successful was this?
41:45 Middle East. The role of Saudi Arabia. Can a pan-Islamic alliance be formed 100 years after the end of the caliphate?
45:00 Viewer questions
All interviews and presentations by Robert C. Castel, here:

How can the United States get out of the Russia-Ukraine war? Is there an exit strategy for President Joe Biden? Is President Telnitsky already a liability for America?
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